˚₊‧꒰ა ( •̀ - •́ )Suspicions and Surprisesඞ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚

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Stiles pulled up outside the familiar building that housed Derek's loft. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter than necessary as doubts swirled in his mind. Why would Derek be cheating on him? They weren't even officially together. But there was something there between them, something more than just friendship. At least that's what Stiles hoped.

He took a deep breath to steady his nerves before exiting the Jeep and making his way inside. Derek was there as expected, lounging on the couch with a book. When he saw Stiles enter, his brows drew together in that attractive yet infuriating way of his.

"What do you want now?" Derek grumbled.

Stiles faltered, suddenly feeling silly. But he had to know the truth. "I, uh, came to ask you something."

Derek closed his book with an exaggerated sigh. "Well? Spit it out."

Steeling his resolve, Stiles asked the question that had been nagging at him. "Are you cheating on me?"

The confusion melted into amusement as Derek regarded him silently. Finally he said, "We're not together, remember? So it would be pretty hard for me to cheat."

Stiles flushed, chagrined but not yet ready to give up. "But there's something here! Isn't there?" He waited with bated breath for Derek's response, hoping against hope that he felt it too.

Derek studied Stiles for a long moment, holding his gaze steadily. Stiles squirmed under the scrutiny but refused to look away. Finally, Derek spoke.

"I won't deny there's an...attraction between us. We've danced around it for long enough. But you know I don't do relationships lightly."

Stiles' face lit up with hope and he took a cautious step forward. "Does this mean you'll give us a chance?"

A trace of a smile tugged at Derek's lips. "Maybe. On one condition - no more accusing me of cheating until we actually become something."

"Deal!" Stiles agreed eagerly. He closed the distance between them, smirking up at Derek. "So, big guy. What do you say we go on a date and see where this thing between us leads?"

Derek rolled his eyes but there was undeniable fondness in his expression. "Fine. One date. But if you annoy me the whole time, it's over."

"You know you love it when I annoy you," Stiles teased. He leaned in, enjoying the way Derek's gaze flickered to his lips. At the last moment, he darted away with a cheeky grin. "Pick me up at seven!"

As Stiles left the loft whistling happily, Derek shook his head in exasperation. But the werewolf was smiling too, more hopeful than he'd felt in a long time. Maybe this thing with Stiles could become something real after all.

Stiles paced nervously around his bedroom as the clock ticked closer to seven. What do you wear on a first date with Derek Hale? Should he dress casual or go for something nicer?

In the end, he settled on dark jeans and a plaid shirt rolled up to the elbows. Casual but still making an effort. Now he just had to survive the date itself without making a total fool of himself.

A knock sounded at the front door right at seven. Stiles' heart leapt into his throat as he raced downstairs. When he threw open the door, Derek was standing there looking impossibly gorgeous in a leather jacket and tight dark t-shirt.

"H-hey," Stiles stammered, momentarily thrown by how attractive Derek was. He never ceased to be affected by those hazel eyes and perfectly chiseled features.

Derek smirked, no doubt detecting Stiles' elevated heartbeat. "You ready to go, or are you just going to stand there ogling me all night?"

Stiles snapped his jaw shut with an embarrassed cough. "Lead the way, sourwolf."

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