𓃦🎂🎉A Birthday Surprise for Sourwolf🎁🥳𓃥

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This is just a birthday special :)


Derek awoke with a sigh, instantly remembering what day it was - his birthday - Another year older and even more alone. Ever since the fire, he had tried to forget his birthday altogether. There was no one left to celebrate with.

As he shuffled downstairs to start the coffee, Derek heard a knock at the door. Frowning, he opened it to find Scott standing there with his usual puppy dog eyes and a crooked grin. "Happy birthday, dude!" Scott said brightly.

Derek just grunted in response. He should have known Scott wouldn't let the day pass without acknowledgement like they had before. The beta was forever trying to include Derek in pack activities and celebrations despite Derek's scowls and constant complaints.

"We're having a party for you tonight," Scott continued. "Be at the loft at 7." And with that cryptic message, he bounded off, leaving Derek bewildered. A party? For him? He shook his head in dismay. Trust Scott to organize something even when Derek made it clear he didn't want a fuss or the annoyance of a birthday party.

But later that evening, curiosity got the better of Derek. So despite his hesitation to go he arrived at 7pm sharp, he walked into the loft...and froze at the unexpected sight before him. The whole loft was decorated with streamers and a large banner read 'Happy Birthday Sourwolf!' with a horribly drawn wolf with a birthday hat on it. But more shocking was Stiles standing there holding a cake, smiling nervously at Derek.

"Surprise!" Stiles said. "I, uh, helped Scott plan things. Happy birthday, big guy."

Derek just stared, wondering what fresh hell this was and why his racing heart had decided now was the perfect time to act up. Something about the smile, the same smile he had seen time and time again...It was going to be an interesting night indeed.

Derek continued to stare wordlessly at Stiles, making the boy's smile falter. "Sourwolf not happy with his surprise party?" Stiles joked weakly forcing a half smile.

Seeing the situatuon and taking pity on his best friends attempts, Scott clapped Derek on the shoulder. "Come on man, lighten up! It's your birthday."

That seemed to break the tension as Derek sighed. "Thanks, both of you. You didn't have to do this."

They walked into the living room which was filled with the pack, everyone talking together and drinking punch. Stiles perked up at Dereks words. "Of course we did! Can't let our resident Sourwolf  brood alone on his special day. Now, who wants cake?"

Everyone grabbed a slice as Stiles began animatedly telling stories to make Derek laugh. Seeing Derek smile and relax sent a flutter through Stiles' stomach. He'd been hiding his crush on the older man for so long but was finally ready to take a chance.

They spent the time joking and laughing together, even Derek had smirked and laughed a bit at the packs childish antics. By the time it was finished all the snacks and drinks had been cleared from the table but what could you expect from a room filled with teenage werewolves.

Later, as they needed to clean up, Stiles stayed back to help Derek while everyone else left for the night. Stiles sidled up to Derek. "So, did you have a good birthday?"

Derek nodded. "Surprisingly, yes. Thank you." He held Stiles' gaze, eyes softening. An unspoken tension grew between them, electric and heavy. Stiles felt awkwards as Dereks mesmerizing green eyes studied his brown eyes.

Stiles licked his lips nervously. "Der, I - mmf!"

His words were cut off as Derek suddenly pulled him in for a searing kiss. Stiles froze in shock before melting into it with a moan and placing his hands on Dereks cheeks as he leaned closer. Their lips moved in perfect synchrony, years of pent up desire finally releasing.

When they broke apart breathlessly, Derek rested his forehead against Stiles'. "You gave me the best birthday that I didn't know I needed... Now to finish it off in the best way.. Will you be my gift?"

Stiles grinned playfully as he leaned closer again, just barely brushing their lips together. "Hell yes, Sourwolf." More kisses followed as their relationship blossomed at long last.

After a long makeout session leaving them both flushed and grinning like idiots, the went to the bedroom to give Derek his present.

The next day, Stiles was still riding high on leftover the birthday bliss as he met Scott for lunch. But when he saw his friend's raised eyebrows, excitement turned to dread.

"So...you and Derek, huh?" Scott asked knowingly.

Stiles sighed. "That obvious, huh?"

Scott nodded, he crickled his nose with a disgusted look and Stiles could tell he reeked of Derek. "I'm happy for you guys. It's about time! But..." He looked concerned. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Derek is really... intense. And you are really..-" Scott cut himself off with a shrug and a pitiful look.

"Sourwolf may look brooding, but he's a big softie underneath!" Stiles protested. Then his face fell as doubts crept in. "You don't think he just sees me as a one night thing, do you?"

Scott grasped his shoulder reassuringly. "I'm sure Derek has real feelings for you. I don't think hes even that kind of guy. Just talk to him, make sure you're both on the same page."

Stiles knew Scott was right. But the doubts continued to build through the day.

That night, he headed to the newly rebuilt Hale house to find Derek. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door...

Derek answered, smiling softly at the sight of Stiles. But his smile faded at the younger man's serious expression. "What's wrong?"

Stiles fidgeted. "Der, we need to talk. I.. What are we? Am I just a fling or..." He trailed off nervously.

Derek's eyes softened and he pulled Stiles into a comforting hug. "You're so much more than that. I care about you, Stiles. If you'll be my boyfriend, I want to make this work."

Stiles beamed, relief flooding through him. "I'd like that, Sourwolf. Now kiss me, you big softie!" Their laughter mingled as their lips met in a sweet kiss, the start of something beautiful.

With their new relationship blooming, Derek and Stiles were inseparable over the following weeks. They spent every moment together that they could, getting to know each other intimately both physically and emotionally.

One afternoon, as Stiles was lounging at Derek's place going over notes for an upcoming exam, Derek poked his head in with a grin. "Come on, let's go for a run in the preserve."

Stiles groaned. "Do I have to? Can't we just stay in and cuddle?" But he was already gathering his things, knowing Derek wouldn't take no for an answer.

Derek chuckled. "The fresh air will do you good, and we can cuddle afterwards. Promise." His eyes gleamed playfully.

Stiles huffed in mock annoyance but followed Derek out the door. Soon they were streaking through the trees, wolf and human matched perfectly as always as Derek ran slower to keep pace with Stiles. Stiles whooped with exhilaration, enjoying feeling the wind in his hair beside his wolf.

As they started to run out of steam, Derek veered off course. "I want to show you something," he panted, pulling Stiles along. They broke through the trees into a small hidden meadow, awash with wildflowers.

Stiles gasped. "Der, it's beautiful!" He turned to find Derek gazing not at the scenery, but at him with naked affection. Suddenly Stiles knew - this was Derek's way of expressing his feelings without words.

Stiles cupped Derek's cheek gently. "I love you too, Sourwolf." Their lips met tenderly in the waving grass, sealing their devotion to one another under the watchful eyes of nature. 

It was the perfect moment between mates.

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