₊ ⊹☕♨The Regular ♡ ̆̈ ⊹ ₊

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Derek sighed as he parked his truck outside The Beanery. He knew he was being ridiculous, coming to this coffee shop every day just to catch a glimpse of the cute barista. But he couldn't help it. Something about Stiles' smile made Derek's grumpy day seem brighter.

As he entered, the delicious aroma of fresh coffee beans hit his nose. But it was nothing compared to the sweet scent of Stiles' cologne as he approached the register. "The usual?" he asked with a grin.

Derek nodded, not quite trusting his voice. As Stiles turned to fix his order, Derek's eyes lingered on his slim waist and muscled arms. He wondered what it would be like to wrap himself around that body, to feel those hands touching him with care instead of just taking his payment.

But that was just a foolish fantasy. A guy like Stiles would never look twice at a sourwolf like Derek. He was lucky if he got a smile and a minute of small talk during his visit. As Stiles set the coffee on the counter, Derek fought the urge to linger. But then Stiles said "See you tomorrow!" and Derek's heart swelled with hope.

Maybe, if he kept coming back, Stiles would start to see him as more than just another customer. Stranger things had happened, after all. And Derek was willing to be very patient for the chance at something real with this incredible guy. With a smile, Derek took his coffee and headed back to work, already counting down the hours until he could return.

The next day, Derek pulled up to The Beanery, drums of excitement in his stomach. What if today was the day Stiles finally noticed him as more than a regular? As he walked in, Derek plastered on his best smile, hoping it didn't come off as too dopey.

But when he saw Stiles at the counter, all thoughts fled from his mind. The barista was mid-laugh at something on his phone, eyes crinkled adorably. Derek's heart threatened to beat out of his chest at the beautiful sight. Then Stiles looked up and saw him, smiling even wider. "Hey Derek! The usual?"

Derek nodded, speechless. Had Stiles just...recalled his name? He handed over his payment in a daze, fingers brushing Stiles' palm by accident. An electric current seemed to pass between them, if the hitch in Stiles' breath was anything to go by. Their eyes met and held for a moment, something unspoken flowing between them.

Then Stiles dropped his gaze, handing over the coffee with pink cheeks. "Enjoy," he said shyly. Derek walked away in a trance, happy buzz replacing the coffee buzz. Had a spark formed between them? He dared to hope that with more visits, that spark could grow into a flame.

The next day, Derek arrived at The Beanery filled with determination. He was tired of pining from afar - it was time to take a chance. As Stiles went to take his order, Derek steeled his nerves.

"Um, Stiles?" he asked, heart pounding. "I was wondering...would you like to get dinner sometime? With me, I mean."

Stiles stared at him with wide eyes, pink lips parting in surprise. Derek held his breath, praying he hadn't just ruined everything. But then Stiles broke into a beautiful smile. "I'd really like that, Derek."

Derek brightened, hope blooming in his chest. "Great! Are you free Saturday?" After confirming plans for the weekend, Derek walked away on cloud nine. He had a date with Stiles!

The next few days, their smiles held new meaning. Fingertips brushed more often as coffee was exchanged. Derek learned about Stiles' dreams of becoming a deputy, while opening up about his work. A comfortable rapport was building between them.

Finally Saturday arrived. Derek picked Stiles up, nerves easing as their date flowed with laughter and conversation. By the end of the night, Derek walked Stiles to his door, leaning in for a chaste kiss. "I'll call you," he said softly.

Stiles smiled, caressing Derek's cheek. "I'll be waiting."

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