⋆ ˚。⋆(*꒦ິ^꒦ີ)˚Week at the Cabin˚(๑ᵔᵕᵔ๑)⋆ ˚。⋆

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Stiles ran into the loft, sliding on the floor and almost falling into Erica, luckily he was quickly caught by Boyd—more like running into the man and almost falling on his ass—. "Thank you big guy!" He pat the man chest and laughed before walking over to Scott.

Stiles smiled when heard Erica chuckle and Boyd let out a little grumble, something about him being too energetic for being this early.

"Scotty!" Stiles hopped up on the counter and slid over to where Scott was making a coffee."ooo! Can I have a cup?" Stiles reached towards the cup cabinet when a hand was placed on the the cabinet as Derek slammed it shut. "Hey-"

"If I'm going to have to drive with you. I need some peace and quiet. Which means I don't need an already energetic blabber mouth to have caffeine." Derek shook his head as he walked toward Boyd.

Stiles pouted watching the grumpy wolf walk away. "Someone's even more sour today." Scott snickered at the face, handing Stiles his cup so he could have a sip.

Before Derek could see, Stiles took a sip and hopped down handing his friend the cup back. "Thank you Scotty boy." He blew a kiss making them both laugh. "I still can't believe your making ME drive with Derek! And your stealing my jeep! you better not break her!" Stiles crossed his arms.

"You can't brake whats broken bud." He chuckled out when Stiles gapped in offence. "And if I could change Jackson out for you I would! But Ali wants Lydia to come with us, and Lyd wants Jackson..." Scott sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmph. Well if i'm found dead in a ditch.. we all know who to blame." Stiles glared at Derek who looked back with a smirk and a raised one of his judgy eyebrows, almost as if promising his demise.

"Your fine dude!" Scott slapped him on the back with a laugh. "If he wanted to kill you im sure he would have done it by now." He wrapped his arm around Stiles shoulder and the two walked outside where there were bags stacked together.

They stood outside waiting on the others with Allison and Lydia talking near Stiles jeep, Stiles jumped up onto the trunk of Derek's Camaro.

When Derek came stomping out followed by the others, he glared at the boy sitting on his car. "Off." softly pushing Stiles shoulder as he walked over to Stiles bags. Stiles hopped off, opening the trunk.

"I could have gotten that myself." Stiles crossed his arms.

"If we were to wait for you to do it we wouldn't make it to the cabin by nightfall." Derek groaned as he opened his door and sat in the car.

Stiles glared at Scott and Allison who were laughing at him.

"See you in 5 hours Stiles."

"See ya later dude. Don't let grumpy get to ya" Scott winked as he wakes around to the driver side.

"Yeah whatever. just don't ruin my jeep." He gave the couple a disgusted face.

Stiles sighed dramatically as he heard Erica chuckling at him as she kissed Boyd's cheek walking over to their car.

Finally after praying for his life, Stiles plopped into the passenger seat.

"Sure took your time." The car roared to life as he revved up the engine.

"Derekkkk" Stiles groaned laying back in his seat. He'd been complaining for the last 10 minutes much to Derek's dismay. "I'm hungry! Can't we stop for 15 minutes? I'll even eat gas station food. That's how hungry I am!"

"Your not gonna eat gas station food." Derek growled shaking his head, then suddenly he took a sharp left turn into a shake shack parking lot. The raven haired man pulled the keys from the ignition and stepped out of the car, Stiles scurried to follow.

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