˖ ݁𖥔.𓃥Bad werewolf(っ- ‸ - ς).𖥔 ݁ ˖

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Scott walked into the loft and right away was met with the scent of frustration and anger. This worried him, purely because Derek and Stiles were left together to do research while the rest of the pack went scouting. There wasn't anything he could have done, Derek refused to let Stiles go out saying it was 'too dangerous' in return he got volun-told to stay with Stiles, even after Scott offered to stay behind with his best friend.

'Of course this was a bad idea..' Scott's mind filled with what could have caused this awful scent. Obviously Stiles was being... well Stiles. And Derek being his broody self.

The two are opposites. They're two personality's clash making it hard for them to get through even one conversation without fighting.

And when Scott finally got to the living room where Stiles no doubt made them study in. And he couldn't hold in the giggle at what he saw.

Stiles and Derek sat in dead silence. Which was unlike Stiles. The only sound in the room was the clicking of the computer Stiles was on and the pencil Derek was using to scratch random words onto a piece of paper.

Stiles usual happy and sweet smell was now a foul and bitter with anger.

And the air felt like it's could suffocate him, the tension so thick it could be cut with a knife. And he felt cold without Stiles warm and happy personality.

So..Derek tried to resolve some of it.

in retrospect not the best idea

"Stiles..You have to understand-" Derek cut himself off when Stiles pressed the enter key much harder then necessary, he smiled and tilted his head at Derek, but the smile was definitely not a kind smile he's used to.

"I- You know i just don't want you getting hurt. Your-"

"Human? You think I don't know that? I always have been human! And this human saved your ass— all of your asses multiple times." Stiles pushed the laptop off his lap crossing his arms and looking directly to Derek.

"Exactly! So you can't get hurt on some reconnaissance mission! What if we need you during the actual fight!"

"Then your gonna tell me to stay in the loft. Like you always do. Your gonna go out and fight. Almost die. And then im gonna have to deal with your injured werewolf ass, as well as save it."

"That doesn't happen." Derek shook his head looking down at his hands.

Stiles raised his eyebrow, stealing Derek's famous look. Derek just let out a low growl in return."

"You can't just keep me out of the fights." Stiles picked up the laptop "You want me to believe im part of the pack? and not just some research guy you get help from time to time. You want me to believe I am actually in the pack? let me help in a way that matters!"

"The research does matter! Your almost like..our emissary!" Derek tried once again to smooth it over, not trying to argue with him.

There was a bear of silence between the two as Stiles stood up, seemingly contemplating on just leaving or having the last word.

"Only problem is you don't want an emissary!" Stiles poked him in the chest exacting his point and walked away leaving Derek in the room alone.

Derek stayed on the bed head against the headboard. Letting out a sigh as he hears the door to his own room slam.

He has no clue how long he sat there alone, But after a bit he stood walking towards the living room. As he neared he could smell something he couldn't quite put a finger on, but it stung his nose that's for sure.

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