メ𝟶(·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅)Jealous Alpha(● w ● 🔪)メ𝟶

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Derek and Stiles were at the loft researching whatever creature was trying to take over Beacon Hills this week. They were sat in a comfortable silence, Stiles tapping away on his computer. Derek had his arm around Stiles softly drawing shapes on his shoulder. But all must be ruined when Stiles phone rings.

Stiles ignore it continuing to look at some new article he found.

"Stiles" Derek growled at the noise that is disturbing the peace they made. "Answer your phone"

"No you." Stiles mocked. Only getitng a glare from Derek in return. "If I answer that phone someone is gonna ask for something" Stiles dead panned looking at Derek like he offended his Babcia.

"No they won't." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

Stiles raised his eyebrows then shrugged

Stiles reached for the phone, showed Derek that it was Lydia calling then answered. "Hey Lyds!" Stiles voice instantly went to his usual happy voice.

Derek listened in to the conversation, "Hey Stiles. I need a favour." As soon as Derek heard the words he looked to Stiles who was already glaring at him.

"Yeah of course what is it?"

"Can you watch Prada for the night? It would really mean a lot." Stiles could just tell from her voice she was fluttering her eyelashes and making her self sound hopeless to get him to agree.

Stiles let out a sigh, "Sure." He shook his head when Derek gave him an apologetic look. "Bring him to Derek's loft."

Lydia thanked him and just hung up.

Stiles put his phone down with a sigh he picked up his computer and just continued tapping away without acknowledging Derek.

Character Re-Introductions: 

Derek Hale, a werewolf alpha and former loner, who has opened his heart to his mate Stiles. Though gruff on the outside, he cares deeply for his pack.

Stiles Stilinski, a witty human who helps keep the supernatural elements of Beacon Hills at bay through his strong research abilities. He shares a passionate bond with Derek.

Relationship Details:

Derek and Stiles have found love and comfort in each other after years of facing crises together. Though their relationship is still new, they support each other unwaveringly.


The loft serves as a home base and place of solace for Derek and Stiles. Within its concrete walls, they have fostered intimacy.


Derek studied Stiles with concern. "Hey, you know I'll make it up to you later," he said in a low voice.

Stiles exhaled slowly. "I know. It's just our time is always getting interrupted." He closed his laptop with more force than necessary.

Derek pulled Stiles into an embrace. "Well, we have a few hours before Lydia gets here with Prada. Want to put that time to good use?" He grinned slyly.

In spite of his earlier irritation, Stiles smiled. "What did you have in mind, big guy?" Their lips met hungrily. All thoughts of research and interruptions melted away as the loft echoed with passion.

Later, sated and holding each other, Derek said, "You know I only have eyes for you. The pack just needs us sometimes."

Stiles nodded. "I know. Doesn't mean I can't grumble about it!" He chuckled. With Derek's solid presence, all felt right in their world once more.

They both groaned as they heard the front door of the loft open and a high annoying barking.

The two stand up and get dressed stumbling downstairs where Lydia stood with the small white dog and a whole huge bag.

"Ah! Stiles. Thank you for watching Prada!"

Lydia quickly handed the dog to Stiles who simply smiled.

When Lydia arrived with Prada, the small terrier ran excitedly around the loft, sniffing every nook and cranny. "Thanks so much for doing this, you guys," Lydia said. "I really appreciate it."

Stiles gave her a hug goodbye. "No problem. Have fun on your date!" Once she left, Stiles turned his attention to the restless pup. "Hey there, Prada. Who's a cute boy?" he cooed, scratching behind Prada's ears.

But Derek's eyebrows were furrowed. Since becoming mated to Stiles, any attention the human gave to another set his alpha instincts on edge. Prada jumped enthusiastically into Stiles' lap, covering his face with eager licks.

Stiles laughed delightedly, not noticing Derek's jealousy mounting by the second. The werewolf let out a low rumble deep in his chest. When Prada crawled over Stiles to flop happily against his chest, Derek saw red.

With a snarl, Derek shoved the dog off his mate. Prada yelped in confusion and scurried away, tail between his legs. "Derek!" Stiles chided. "What's gotten into you?"

Still bristling, Derek grabbed Stiles' wrist. "Mine," he growled possessively, dragging the human towards the bedroom. Stiles' protest died on his lips as Derek's alpha pheromones overtook him in a haze of lust. Rough possessiveness had its perks, after all...

That evening, the pack gathered at the loft for their weekly meeting. Derek and Stiles sat entwined on the couch as Stiles gave an update on recent supernatural events. Prada dozed contentedly at their feet.

As the discussion turned to pack dynamics, Jackson smirked. "So I hear Derek was feeling a little possessive of his mate earlier."

Stiles rolled his eyes even as a smile played on his lips. "Let's just say Derek's wolf didn't appreciate anyone else sniffing around his territory."

Scott frowned in concern. "Everything okay now?"

Derek nodded firmly, glaring at Jackson with an annoyed look. "We came to an understanding." He gazed fondly at Stiles.

Lydia cooed and scratched Prada's ears. "Aww, was somebody jeeealouusss?" Derek merely growled good-naturedly.

The easy camaraderie affirmed their bond as family. Later, as the loft fell silent, Derek pulled Stiles close against his chest. "I'll keep working on controlling my instincts around others," he pledged softly. "Your happiness means everything."

Stiles kissed him tenderly. "And I'll keep reminding you that you've nothing to fear. My place is here, at your side, for however long you'll have me."

Two souls, eternally intertwined.

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