Chapter 3

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Eddie has been working with us for a few months now, and it didn't take long for us to become close, I spend a lot of time at his house, playing video games with Chris. I still really like him, everytime im with him I just wanna kiss him, he has such beautiful brown eyes and the most innocent smile. He's so beautiful and I've not been able to think about anyone else ever since I met him. I've gone a month with no sex, as I don't wanna even look at anyone apart from him. I feel embarrassed that I still like him, but I cant help it, he's so attractive, funny, kind and cares about me and Christopher a lot. Chris' mom died at Christmas time, so it's been hard on them ever since during the holidays, but it was Christmas in a couple months and I was determined to make it amazing for them. Today, me and Eddie both had to work so chris was staying with Carla.

Once I arrived at work I was greeted by my team, and I sat at the table next to Eddie. "So Eddie, how's chris." I ask, "he's good, misses you a lot tho" he replies, that melted my heart. Chris was like a mini bestfriend, he was the man I liked's kid. I hadn't been eating at the firehouse recently, I was on a diet of green juice and water as I wanted to look better and love myself, right now, i hated myself. I hated the way I looked, I have done for years. Yeah I had muscles but I still felt ugly, weak and unattractive, and I wanted to change that. "Buck when was the last time you ate a proper meal?" Bobby asked with a concerned look on his face. "Uhm. Maybe yesterday? I'm not sure, I'm trying to look manly, I'm on a diet, I don't need food all the time cap, I had scrambled egg yesterday before work, and I might have something tonight." I reply, my response makes everyone's faces change from happy to worried. "Evan." Hen says, "eating is important baby." "Iknow, I just don't need 3 meals a day, it's nothing to worry ab hen." I attempt to re-assure them but they wont budge. "Buck, your coming to mine after work, we can have a proper dinner together okay? You don't have to worry about your body all the time man, you've got an amazing body." Eddie says. "Okay fine. I'll come over, only so I can see Chris, but I am fine guys. Honest." I say, and before they can argue, we get a call out.

After work was over, I headed over to eddies. When I arrived I began playing video games with Chris while Eddie cooked.

"Dinners done guys!!" He shouted "coming!" I shouted back, "cmon buddy let's go". We all sit at the table and eat, I can't stop staring at Eddie, and after awhile he notices. "Is everything okay buck, you haven't eaten?" He asks. "Mhm I'm good, sorry I was in a daydream" "buck, you need to eat dinner so we can go play!!" Christopher says to me, which makes me feel a rush of guilt. I have no idea why, but seeing him wait for me to eat, knowing I wasn't really planning to hurt. "Okay bud, you go into the living room and I'll finish up ok?" "Okay Buck." And off he goes. "Evan. I'm worried about you. Your not eating. Your daydreaming a lot, talk to me please." Eddie says, expressing his concern. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for you too worry, I'll tell u everything when Chris is asleep okay?" "Okay fine, but your not leaving until you do Evan." He says, right before clearing our plates.

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