Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up too Eddie making pancakes in the kitchen. "Where's Christopher?" "Oh hes already at school, it's 9am Buck." Eddie replies "what!! Omg I'm so sorry I didn't get up, we have work at 12!!" "Hey no it's okay, I'm making us breakfast." Eddie says. "And look about last night, I want us to be more than friends, I'm just not ready for anyone to know yet, is that okay?" He adds, his face full of guilt. "I'm not ready for people to know yet either it's okay eds, it can be our thing." I say, reassuring him. It was true tho, I'm not ready to come out yet. And clearly neither is Eddie. "Your so cute when you wake up yk that." He says, smiling. "Not too bad yourself" I add, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "Oi im cooking, wait until after Evan Buckley." "Ugh fine" I say, sitting on the counter and watching him cook.

"Get down from there, and come eat." Eddie said, putting two plates of pancakes on the table. "Okay fine" I say, sitting in the seat next to him. Eddie finished his pancakes, but I'd only took a couple bites out of mine. I felt guilty for not eating what he made, but my brain just couldn't. "Hey ev, please eat a bit more. It's okay your with me, I'm not judging." Ev? Omg I loved that, but only from him. "Okay, I'm sorry." I say. "No apologising, it's not your fault mi mundo." I gotta start learning Spanish. I ate half my pancakes then told Eddie I really couldn't eat anymore, I felt sick. I don't know why. I just felt so sick. "It's okay buck, you did good, proud of you." He said before clearing my plate. "We need to get dressed for work, so do you wanna shower first or second" he asked me, "hmm together?" "Evan Buckley. We have work. As much as I'd love too, we can't." He replied. "Ugh fine, but atleast give me a kiss first" I said, pulling his belt closer to me. Our lips touched and we kissed, then a kiss turned into making out, I was sat on the kitchen counter, he was inbetween the gap in my legs, with his fist in my hair. He began to kiss my neck, which made me moan a bit. After a couple minutes we stopped. "I'll shower first" I said, jumping off the counter and heading upstairs.

After my shower I put my uniform on, I always kept a spare uniform at eddies just Incase. I was fixing my name pin when he came in, with nothing but a towel around his lower waist, his hair was so gorgeous when it was wet. I pulled him closer to me, and kissed him passionately, he pushed me back onto his bed, and put his hands up my shirt. My hand was in a fist In his hair as we made out, he stopped us before we went any further, reminding me we had work. "Im gonna get dressed, go wait downstairs" he said, lightly shoving me. "Can i not stay for the show" I smirked. "Evan." "Okay fine going."

Once Eddie was dressed, we headed off to work. During the car ride there, we discussed how we where gonna play this out. We decided on friends in public, lovers in private. It was easier. We where gonna come out eventually but just not yet.

We arrived at the firehouse and were greeted the same way we where every morning, except chimney noticed I had a couple hickeys. "Uhm buck, you might wanna borrow some of your sisters concealer man" he said to me, pointing at my neck and giggling. "OMG BUCK ARE THOSE HICKEYS" hen screamed. "What uhm" i didn't know what to say, I was lost for words. "Yeah Buckley, never mentioned those on the drive here" Eddie said, playing it off. "Yeah got them from a girl in a bar last night." I said, I could feel the panic rush over my face. "Your such a slut man" chimney said, punching my shoulder. I looked at Eddie, and whispered "close one." And before he could say anything we got a call out.

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