Chapter 9

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When we went home that night, I was playing video games with Chris while Eddie did some paperwork, the whole time my phone was being flooded with messages from Athena asking if I was okay. I chose to wait until later to answer because I just couldn't deal with people right now, I wanted to forget what I'd done earlier. "Hey mijo, it's bedtime, let's go." Eddie says, turning off the Xbox. "Dad me and Buck where playinnggg" Chris complained "you can play with Buck tomorrow kid, it's bed time." "Your dads right kiddo, see you tomorrow" I said, "goodnight buck" "good night kid"

After Chris was asleep, Eddie came back down the stairs and sat next to me on the couch. "Como estas mi niño hermoso" Eddie said, I loved when he spoke Spanish, although I didn't understand much, it was still hot. "I have no idea what that means baby." I said. "how are you my beautiful boy." He replied. "I'm good, how are you" I say, I was far from okay but I didn't wanna feel like a problem. "Are you sure your okay amor." "Yeah, I'm sure pretty." I say, I wanted to shift the mood so I move closer to him, cupping his face as I kiss his neck. I start grinding on his leg, which causes him to moan. "Joder nena." "Hm your so hot when you speak Spanish." I say, climbing into his lap, still kissing his neck and jawline. "Oh that's how u wanna play?" He says, pushing my off him, onto the couch and kissing my neck. "Bedroom?" I ask. He grabbed my arm and we ran upstairs, he pushed me onto the bed and smashed his lips into mine, I ripped his shirt off as he was on top of me, exposing his muscles. "Mmm wanna play that game nena." He says ripping my shirt off, and he began kissing my torso, my chest and my neck. "F-fuck Eddie." I moan, my hand was going through his hair, he moved further down and started kissing my v line, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I moaned. He moved back up to meet my lips and made out. I took his jeans off, leaving him in nothing but boxers, and started returning his favour, but I didn't stop at the v line. "Fuckk me pones caliente amor." "I want u eddie." I moaned, after I finished sucking him off. "You have me." He replied, grabbing my face and allowing our lips to meet again. We made out like this for hours, and when we stopped, all I wanted to do was keep going.

"I'm going to hop into the shower, maybe tomorrow you can join me yk?" He said, winking at me. "I'll hold you too that." I replied, smirking. "You better baby." He said, before walking into the bathroom. We have a day off tomorrow, we are taking Christopher too the zoo, and I cannot lie i am so excited. I threw a pair of eddies pjs on and waited in bed for him. I put tvd on and when Eddie came back through, it was a Damon and Stefan scene. "God Damons fucking hot."  He said, "I'd fuck him." "Uhm excuse you, he's mine." I say sarcastically. "No. I am." Eddie says pulling me up and kissing me. "I'm yours." We kiss for a couple seconds, then I pull away and grab my phone. "What's wrong?" "I forgot to text Athena back !!" I say, panicking "oh shit, sorry." He says, while pulling on some pjs and sitting next to me. "It's okay, i told her Im Fine." I say, cuddling into his chest and watching tvd. I loved nights like this, just staying in, cuddling my man. "Hey buck." "Yeah." "Will you be my boyfriend." Omg did he just say what I think he said? "Yes of course I will." I say with an excited tone, kissing him. "Our secret doesn't have to be secret forever you know baby. We can tell Chris." He says, pulling me closer. "Okay, we will sit him down tomorrow before we leave." I say, holding him tighter. Eddie fell asleep pretty quick after that, leaving me awake and watching Tv by myself, but eventually, I fell asleep too.

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