Chapter 7

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The next morning I woke up before Eddie, for awhile I was just sitting up, watching him sleep. He was such a pretty sleeper, his morning hair, his beautiful face, he was an angel. After a few minutes, I decided to let him sleep in and hopped into the shower. We have Chris tonight so we are going to have a movie night, but obviously we would be playing video games first. After my shower, I got dressed into eddies spare uniform as I had no more at his house, the shirt was a bit big but it worked. After I was ready, I went downstairs and made toast for Eddie, then I took it up to him and woke him up. "Good morning babe" I said, shaking him gently. "Hm good morning amor, what's all this?" He asked, in a croaky voice. "I made you breakfast, hurry up though we have work soon" I said, handing him the toast. "is that my uniform?" "Yeah sorry I need to bring more round yours." I answered, "it's okay, we can get you some for my place today. We have Chris tonight so are you still down for the movie night?" "Yeah of course, but you need to shower you stink" I say laughing. "Alright bit harsh baby" he said, grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. "God, and brush your teeth." "Ok fine moody." He replies, before hopping in the shower and getting ready.

Once we arrive at the station, chimney comes up to me and checks my neck. "Jeez buckley, same girl?" He asks, and that's when I remembered, me and Eddie both where covered in hickeys. "Yup same girl." I reply, laughing. "Uhm eddies been getting some action too apparently" hen says, pointing out eddies hickeys. "What can I say, I'm an attractive guy" Eddie jokes. He was so right, he was an attractive guy. "Well you two need to invest in some concealer, and tell them girls too tone down." Bobby says in a fatherly voice. "Buckley, you are coming to dinner on Saturday, may and harry miss you." "Okay pops!" I reply. "Good, now everyone in the truck, we got a call." "I didn't hear anything" hen says. "No, Athena called me. Now cmon." He replies, before gearing up and heading into the truck.

It started off as a mild call, but when we where talking, out of no where, blood soaked my face and clothes. It was eddies. He'd been shot. As he fell to the floor I froze, my boy had just been shot, I was dragged to cover by a cop, forced to leave him on the ground alone. but after a few seconds I pushed him off me and grabbed Eddie under the truck. I was screaming at him. "DONT LEAVE ME EDDIE. PLEASE." But he didn't answer. I thought I'd lost him. His eyes where drained of all life, and he was cold to the touch. The ambulance took him to hospital and I had to go explain to Chris his dad had been shot. I broke down after telling him, he reassured me and we cried together. "I love you buddy." "I love you Buck."

I called Carla to come watch Christopher and as soon as she arrived I rushed off to hospital, where I found an awake Eddie laying, alone. "Eddie omg." I say, running over to him and hugging him. "Hey mi mundo, how's Chris." He asks, hugging me back gently as his arm was hurting. "He's okay, hes with Carla, im sorry i broke down after I told him. I should have held it together." I cried. "You where there for him when I couldn't be. That's what's matters amor." He says. "How are you feeling." I ask, tears falling from my eyes still. "I'm okay, stop crying baby I'm okay." "They shot you. Ima fucking kill whoever this was." I say, anger flooding over me. "Hey no. You just need to be with me." He says, I hug him again. I almost lost the man I love. I was terrified. I couldn't control the tears, and when I started sobbing, so did he. "I wish I was the one who got shot. It would have been better for you, and for Chris." I say, still sobbing. "Don't even go there Evan." He replied, also still sobbing.

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