Chapter 14

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I ended up walking to eddies, i knocked profusely on his door until he answered. "Buck? Are you oka" i didn't even let him finish before I leaped into his arms and started sobbing my heart out. "Hey hey, come in, talk to me baby." He said, holding me. "My parents didn't want me Eddie, the reason they treated me like dog shit was because i was never meant to be alive!! I was born to save my dead brother, it evidently didn't work and now they hate me!! They hid this from me, even maddie knew. I hate them all, i hate myself. I wish I wasn't born either!!" I shout, sobbing into his shoulder. Chris came out from his room after hearing the shouting. "Buck? Are you okay." He asks, "yeah kiddo, I'll be fine." I say, trying to stop sobbing. I felt so guilty for shouting, knowing it was past his bedtime. "Bucks not doing great right now mijo, go back to bed so I can talk to him, please?" Eddie asks, "okay dad, feel better soon Buck, i love you." "I love you too kid." I reply, i try my best to hold In my sobs until he's in his room. "Come sit on the couch and tell me everything babe okay? I'm here."

I explained everything to Eddie, who was now holding me while I sobbed and sobbed. "I can't believe they'd keep this from you. I can't believe they'd treat you like that!! Yes it's so upsetting what happened to your brother but it was not your fault!" Eddie says, i could tell he was fuming. "I feel like life would be easier if I wasn't around yk? They wouldn't have to look at me like im a burden on them!! Their lives would be easy, better." I say, holding him tighter. I couldn't contain my emotions, i was so upset, angry, confused and just straight up sad. "Hey no, do not speak like that Evan, you make so many peoples lives so much better, you make my life so much better, i need you." He says, wiping my tears. "Your staying here tonight, you can tell Bobby and Athena everything tomorrow, but tonight, you just sit in bed with me and we cuddle okay? I don't want you going anywhere like this." He says, cupping my face. I connect our lips, he's so perfect, how did I get so lucky. "okay." I reply after I pulled away.

I threw a pair of his pjs on and we cuddled up in bed watching 13rw. "Hey Eddie." "Yeah mi vida?" "I'm so fucking sorry." I try hold in my tears this time, as i don't wanna just cry all the time. "What for baby?" "I just barged in here expecting that you wanted to see me, that you had the time to help. I shouldn't have."  "Hey no none of that. This is your safe place, i want you to feel like you can come here, come to me, whenever you need and I will be there, just like i know your always going to be there for me. You have gone through so much tonight, you do not have to apologise for needing someone. I love you." "I love you more." I say, smirking. "Impossible." "Wanna bet?" "Your on." He says, kissing my jaw, i climb ontop of him and our lips meet, we begin making out. slowly, i move down to his jawline, then his neck, then his chest, and eventually his entire body. I take Off his shirt first, then his jeans, leaving him in only his boxers. I start giving him hickeys all over his body, "what's this for amor" he asks, moaning as i kiss his v line. "My way of saying thank you." He grabs my face and pulls me up to him, our lips meet again and he takes off my shirt, then my jeans, and finally my boxers. He begins giving me hickeys everywhere. "now this is me saying your welcome."

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