Re-write update

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Okay, it took me a second but I did finish reading the original book, and I was probably a bit harder on it than I need to be, cuz it's actually not that bad lol.

But I just wanted to provide you guys with the update that I have started re-writing the first chapter now. The chapters won't be named in the rewrite, cuz as we all saw, I suck at naming chapters, so they'll just numbered.

I'll also like to let you know the first "big" change I've made. It doesn't necessarily effect the plot, if anything I feel like it'll help the story😌. But I've aged up the characters, not by much, but just enough that they're 3rd years instead of 1st years. So they're around 18 in the rewrite.

I also have the new synopsis written out, I'll give you guys the new synopsis here:

A world filled with soulmates, some love it, some hate it. Some don't care about all this "soulmate bullshit", while others can spend their whole lives searching for their soulmate. Now, the system is surely not perfect, "what if I don't find my soulmate," "what if I'm already in a happy relationship then find my soulmate," "what if I don't want a soulmate" (some people are aromatic and would rather live out their lives happily single) are some pretty common questions. Soulmates, are a curse for some, but not everyone. Luckily, some people just don't have a soulmate, about 60% of the population either don't have a soulmate or can't find their soulmates, while the other 40% of the population are living their lives with their soulmates.

This story is about two boys, one only wants to find his soulmate while the other could care less. So, what happens the two are paired together by fate? One boy born quirkless, the other, the bully to the quirkless boy. What happens when your bully ends up being your soulmate? How could this relationship possibly work out? Read along to find out.

That's all I have for now, I'll update again if I make another change like the age up before the publish of the first chapter. But if I don't make any big changes like that before the release of the first chapter, then you'll hear from me again when I upload the first chapter, which again, I will be making the rewrite a separate book, it'll save me time from replacing all the chapters here.

Bye bye now😌

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