I give up on naming the chapters

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3rd person

When Mydoriya woke up from his sleep, it was 3:00am and Bakugou was asleep resting his head on Mydoriya's lap. Mydoriya looked to the other side of thw bed to see Makamae sleeping quietly. Mydoriya turned back to Bakugou and lightly shook him, "Kacchan~" Bakugou slowly sat up and rubbed his neck, it was sore from his sleeping position. "Kacchan, lay down with me, you'll hurt you neck sleeping like that" Mydoriya said. Bakugou, still being half asleep, silently climbed into the bed next to Mydoriya. "What time is it?" Bakugou asked, his voice raspy. Mydoriya looked to the clock. "3:04am" Mydoriya said to his soulmate. Who quickly fell back asleep. Mydoriya got lost in his thoughts, just eleven months ago Bakugou was calling him usless and dumb, but now he always says how my be loved the broccoli headed boy. Mydoriya slowly fell back asleep.

Mydoriya woke again at 9:00am to see Bakugou and All Might talking to the doctor. Mydoriya slowly sat up in his bed. "Can I have some pancakes?" He asked. The other 3 in the room all looked to Mydoriya. Bakugou quickly was by Mydoriya's side. Mydoriya noticed the tear stains on Bakugou's cheeks. "What's wrong?" Mydoriya asked worryingly. Bakugou looked to the doctor, who gave him a nod. "The doctor did some tests when you came in, and..." Bakugou took a deep breath "you have cancer." Bakugou looked at Mydoriya with sad eyes. Mydoriya felt his heart shatter, he couldn't become a pro hero, he doesn't have the money for kimo therapy. Why is this happening. Mydoriya wanted to scream. He couldn't raise his own child! "H-how?" Mydoriya asked. Not understanding. How could this happen now, he was only 16, why didn't it show earlier, how was he supposed to become the number one hero? Continue as All Might's successor? "It appears that you were born with cancer but it never did anything, but now it's starting to affect you, we've been watching you, you cells are multiplying as a fast speed, at the rate it's spreading we say you have 2 more months to live, we're sorry" The doctor say. Mydoriya burst into tears. Bakugou quickly took the smaller boy in his arms. "Shhhh" Bakugou said camly, trying to calm down the green haired boy. Mydoriya just continued to cry into Bakugou's chest.

Sorry for this short sad chapter, I honestly don't know how to continue this book and I was just typing.

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