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Over the past few months Midoriya was a very moody person. He wasn't able to go to school as his stomach grew, so he stayed in the dorms. Bakugou would miss school sometimes to take care of his boyfriend. As for Kaminari, he was very stubborn. Soon Midoriya would be having the baby soon, they don't know the exact date since he doesn't have a menstruational period, so Bakugou was allowed to stay with his boyfriend instead of going to school, Kaminari already had his baby, it's a boy. Bakugou and Midoriya wanted the gender to be a surprise, everyone thinks it's going to be a boy though.


"Kacchan! I want a brownie!" I cried. "Ok, ok, hold on, I'm going to run down stairs and get you a brownie" Kacchan said. "No! I don't want you to leave me here" I demand. "I'll call Uraraka to get you your brownie" Kacchan sighs pulling out his phone.
"Have you finished setting everything up for the baby?" I ask looking around the room once Kacchan hangs up the phone. "Yes" Kacchan replies. I stand up to grab a book but I feel liquid rush down my leg. "K-Kacchan?" I say scared. "Are you okay Deku?" Kacchan asks. I shake my head. "I think my water just broke" I state. Kacchan's eyes widden. He then pushes a button on the wall that was installed for this. Alarms started blared through the dorms.

3rd pov

Alarms blared through the dorm as everyone rushes to Bakugou's and Midoriya's dorm room and burst through the door.
"Everyone move so we can get to Midoriya" Aizawa says apearing with paramedics. Everyone moves out of the way. "Ahh!" Midoriya screams as he feels a contraction. "Deep breaths Deku" Bakugou said to the panicking boy. Midoriya did as he was told as he was placed on a stretcher.
"We can't do anything till we get to the hospital since he needs a c-section so we need to hurry" A paramedic says.

Time skip to hospital

Deku is currently in operation. Me and the rest of the class sits in the lobby as we wait. "This is exciting! Are you excited Bakugou?" Uraraka says then turns to me. "I really am, honest" I say with a smile on my face. "Hey! When did you get so soft Bakubro" Kiri asks. "Shut it shitty hair, I can't be so angry all the time if I wanna be a good father" I reply. "This might take some time to get used to" Mina says. "Don't get to used to it because I wont be so nice when my child isn't around" I say, a smirk on my face as I glare at my classmates.
Before anyone can say anything the double doors open and Deku is brought out on a wheelchair holding the baby. "Katsuki Bakugou, come with us, the rest of you can visit later, but Midoriya needs some rest since he just got out of surgery" The nurse says to me then turns to the extras. I stand up and walk beside Deku as we go through another pair of double doors. "Look Kacchan! It's a boy!" Deku says excited as he shows me the baby. "He's amazing" I say then place a kiss on top of Deku's head. Once we enter a room, Deku is placed down on the bed and the nurse hands me the baby.
"Midoriya needs to rest, you can start thinking of names for your guy's son, just press the button next to the bed if you guys need anything" The nurse says. Then she gives Deku a remote that adjusts his bed. "He's precious, Deku" I say as I hold our baby, looking down at him. "I know *yawns* I absolutely love him Kacchan" Deku says then slowly drifts off to sleep. I look down at our baby. He has blond hair and green eyes. "You really are precious" I say then kiss the babies forehead.

Sorry for the short chapter but I need name Ideas....I don't know what to name the baby 😭 Heeeellllppppp mmmmeeeee

Ok bye

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