You might be pregnant

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I woke up to my alarm going off. I look to the side and notice Kacchan isn't there. I then hear the shower turn off. I try to sit up but a sharp pain shoots through my back. "OW!" I scream. Kacchan then bursts through the bathroom door with a towel around his waist. "What happend? What's wrong? Are you ok?" Kacchan says as he runs to my side. "Hurts" Is all I say. I try to sit up again. I fail. "Ow!" I wince. "I'm sorry Deku~" Kacchan purrs as he gives my light kisses on my face. I giggle. "It's ok Kacchan" I say. "Come on, you've to take a bath. I'll help you" Kacchan says picking me up bridal style. He carrys me to the bathroom then sets me down on the the toilet as he gets a bath ready me. Once thr tub is filled Kacchan picks me up and places me in it. "Thank you Kacchan" I say.

Time skip because I'm lazy

I limp into the classroom. Kacchan and I had and argument about him wanting to carry me but I won so now I'm limping into class.

"Deku! Are yoy ok!?" Uraraka says running up to me. "Yeah I'm fine" I say. Uraraka then turns to Kacchan. "What happened to him, Bakugou!?" Uraraka asks. Anger in her voice. "He's just sore" Kacchan replies with a smirk. "Why is he sore!?" Uraraka asks worried. "You really don't know Uraraka? If he's limping because he's sore, then it's probably his ass that's sore, and that would be because Bakugou and Midoriya had sex" Denki says. I feel my face turn red. "So it's true! I was just guessing! But your red face gives it away, also, if I'm correct, Bakugou said that we would know if you guys reached the third stage because you would be limping" Denki adds. "Whatever now just move it extras so we can get to our seats" Kacchan says. I start to walk but wince a little from pain. "Come on nerd" Kacchan says picking me up bridal style. Kacchan sits me down on his lap as the bell rings.
Aizawa sensei enters the class. "Midoriya please return to you seat" Aizawa sensei says. I try to get off of Kacchans lap but he doesn't let me making his grip tighter around my waist. "Bakugou, what's the meaning of this?" Aizawa sensei asks. "He's in pain so he's staying here in my lap" Kacchan states. "And why is he in pain?" Aizawa sensei asks. "Because I fucked him to hard last night" Kacchan states. I just hide my face from embarrassment. "Oh.....umm.....o-okay then, just this time be carefull" Aizawa sensei says then teaches the leasson.
The rest of the day people kept on asking me if I was ok and why I was limping. Kacchan told them to leave me alone or he'll explode their faces off. "Kacchan, you don't have to be so mean to them" I say as he threatens another person as we walk back to the dorms. "But I can tell that the questions make you uncomfortable" Kacchan says wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Young Midoriya!" All Might says running up to me. "Oh! Hi All Might!" I say. "Can I talk to you young Midoriya?" All Might asks. "Uh...Sure" I say. "Don't take to long" Kacchan growls. I follow All Might to his office. "What did yoh need to talk to me about All Might? Is it about One For All?" I ask once he closes the door. "No. I can tell, from your limping, that you and young Bakugou have reached the third stage, correct?" All Might asks. "Y-yeah....if this is about soulmates shouldn't Kacchan be here too?" I ask. "Well....with this I wanted to talk to alone...I don't want to worry young Bakugou, especially since this news is still very new and we're still not sure why or how it's happening" All Might says. "What is it?" I ask, starting to get worried. "Well, we've recently found out that males are starting to get pregnant, we have no idea what causing is causing if you start experiencing morning sickness don't use you quirk and come to me, got it?" All Might explains. Wait!? Male pregnancy!? I wont get pregnant, right? "O-okay All Might" I say. All Might then releases me and I head to mine and Kacchans shared dorm room. When I enter the dorm Kacchan is playing video games. "Hi Kacchan!" I say happily. I then change out of my uniform. "What did All Might talk to you about?" Kacchan asks turning to me as I pull an All Might shirt over my head. All Might only told me for a reason. I'll just tell Kacchan it was about One For All. "He was just talking to me about my quirk, he's says that I'm getting good control over it" I lie. "Your not lying, right?" Kacchan asks. "No! Why would I lie to you Kacchan!?" I say. I start to become nervous. He might force the truth out of me. "Deku! I can tell your lying to me, what did All Might talk to you about" Kacchan growls. "He told me not to tell you" I say. "Why? What's it about?" Kacchan asks. "It's something about the soulmates but All Might doesn't want me to tell you because he doesn't want you to worry about something that might not even happen" I say. Kacchan just growls. "I'll asks him myself" Kacchan says then exits the dorm. Uh oh...this isn't going to end well.


I knock on All Might's office door. Once he opens it and sees me he invites me inside. I take a seat on the couch. "What do you need young Bakugou?" All Might asks sitting across from me. "What did you tell Deku?" I say straightforwardly. "It was about his quirk" All Might lies. "No it fucking wasn't, what the fuck did you tell him?" I say becoming angrier. All Might sighs. "Do you really want to know?". "Yes".
"It's possible young Midoriya will get pregnant, we've found out that males are starting to get pregnant, we don't know the cause. So if Izuku starts having morning sickness, don't let him use his quirk, and bring him to me so I can take him to see if he is pregnant" All Might explains. My eyes shoot open. "Okay" is all I say then leave.
Once I enter the dorm room Deku is sitting on the bed nervously playing with his fingers. "Did he tell you Kacchan?" Deku asks.
"Yes, he said it's possible for you to be pregnant"
"K-Kacchan....I-I'm scared" Deku says looking up at me with teary eyes. "Don't cry, we'll go through this together, okay?" I say hugging my boyfriend. "O-Okay kacchan" Deku says as he cuddles into my chest.

Time skip to the next day- Morning

I awake to sounds from the bathroom. I stand and run to the bathroom, bursting through the door to see Deku bent over the toilet throwing up. I rub his back. After he's done he brushes his teeth then head back to bed. "I don't wanna go school~" Deku whines. "Come on, just don't use you quirk, if he have hero training today your sitting out" I say. "Fine" Deku says getting up and putting his uniform on.

Time skip-Hero training

"But I don't wanna fail Kacchan!" I whine. "Yeah but it's possible that your carrying a child right now so you are going to sit out!" I growl back. Deku is trying to get me to let him do hero training. "But it could've just been something I ate" Deku whines stomping his foot. "Your never so moody, and normally when someone is pregnant they're moody. You. Are. Sitting. Out. No matter if you like it or not" I say. Deku just huffs and sits in a chair lined against the wall. "Midoriya, why are you sitting out?" Aizawa sensei says now standing in front of us. "Kacchan wont let me because I threw up this morning!" Deku whines. "Did All Might tell you guys the news about male pregnancy?" Aizawa sensei asks turning to me. "Yes" I respond. "That explains the whiney attitude today, take him to All Might" Aizawa sensei says. I do as he says.

3rd person

"Where are they going" Krishima asks Aizawa. "To All Might, get back to training, unless this has something to do about you and Denki" Aizawa says. Aizawa was responsible for this soulmate couple like how All Might is responsible for Midoriya and Bakugou. "Denki isn't listening to me, he wont sit out" Kirishima exclaims. "Wow, Bakugou and Midoriya were having the same problem" Aizawa says. "Is Midoriya pregnant also?" Kirishima asks. Unlike Bakugou's and Midoriya's situation, they knew Denki was pregnant. "We're not sure yet, I'll deal with Denki, you get back to training" Aizawa says. Kirishima does as he'a told.

"Okay, lets go to recovery girls office then" All Might says. The boys nod and follow All Might once they enter the nurses office All Might explains to recovery girl. "If he's pregnant that means it puts him maybe a year behind of being the number one hero" recovery says to All Might. "I know" All Might sighs. Recovery then proceeds to run a pregnancy test on Midoriya.
"You are indeed pregnant"

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