Seccond kiss

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Me and Deku enter the Kitchen. Icy hot is in the Kitchen. "Hi Todoroki-kun" Deku Says. I slightly Growl. I Don't Know why But I just do. "Hi Midoriya" Todoroki Says Then Walks to the living Area. Todoroki glares at me as he Walks past me. "Kacchan, what're You going I'm eat, I'm going to eat Some Coco puffs" Deku Says grabbing a Box of Coco puffs. "I'll eat the Same" I Says grabbing two Bowls for me and Deku. Deku Then Walks to the frigde to grab the milk. I pour the cereal. Deku comes back and pours the milk. Then me and Deku grab Spoons and head back up to Our Room.

-Time Skip-

After eating me and Deku
Ended up watching movies on netflix when there's suddenly a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I say standing up. When I open the door I'm greeted with a excited Kirishima. "Hey Bakubro, me and Kaminari need to borrow your boyfriend, oh and Uraraka and Yaororozu will be there" Shitty hair says. "Why?" I growl. "It's a secret, just...please let us borrow your boyfriend for a little Bakubro" Shitty hair says. "Hi Kirishima, what's going on?" Deku says comming up from behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I see Kirishima slightly smirk seeing that I'm not threatening to explode Deku's face off for touching me. "Hey Midoriya, can we borrow you for a little?" Shitty hair says. "Sure!" Deku says then slips on his red shoes. "Bye Kacchan, see you latter" Deku says then gives me a kiss on my cheek then heads off with Kirishima. It takes me a second to proccess what Deku just did. HE JUST FUCKEN KISSED MY CHEEK!...oh well.


I follow Kirishima to his and Kaminari's shared room. "What did you guys need me for?" I ask. "Me, Kaminari, Uraraka, and Yaororozu are making a plan for you and Bakugou to have your guys second kiss, because we know you two haven't had your second kiss" Kirishima says. "You don't know that" I argue. "Well have you guys?" Kirishima says. "N-no" I say quietly but loud enough for Kirishima to hear. "Exactly!" Kirishima says.

-time skip to when they're all sitting in Kiri's and Kaminari's room, brought to you by my lazy ass-

"I was thinking maybe a game of truth or dare" Kaminari says. We're discussing different ways for me and Kacchan to have our second kiss. "That could work, Kacchan doesn't back down from things anyways" I say. The others nod in agreement. "But we need to have a back up plan just in case that doesn't work" Uraraka says. "Seven minutes in heaven, but also maybe not because it can lead to sex, and Midoriya and Kacchan aren't even fully in the second stage yet so we don't want to skip the second stage" Yaororozu says. "She does have a point, so seven minutes in heaven will be a maybe" Kiri says. "How about never have I ever but add a twist, if you haven't done what was called you got to do it, but there will be a limit, like if someone says, 'never have had sex' or 'never have I ever stabbed someone' then we just do the normal finger countdown thing" Kiri suggests. "Yeah, that could work" I say. Everyone agrees. "Okay we have a plan B now, ok so this meeting is now over, me and Kaminari will gather everyone, Midoriya, if Bakugou asks what we did, just tell him we were playing video games and hanging out" Kirishima says. I nod. Me, Uraraka, and Yaororozu walk back to our rooms.

When I enter mine and Kacchan's shared room, Kacchan basically attacks me with a hug. "Huh!? K-kacchan to t-tight!" I try but not really being able to breath. Kacchan loosens his arms a little. I decide to hug Kacchan back. "You were gone for to long Deku, I didn't know what to do, I thought you left me forever!" Kacchan almost cries. I chuckle a little. "Kacchan, I'm not going to leave you, plus I was only gone for thirty minutes" I say. "It felt like a whole day" Kacchan says. I just giggle at Kacchan's cute behavior.
How cute
"Oi! I'm not cute shitty nerd!" Kacchan growls then pulls away and sits on our shared bed. I must've said that out loud. "There's the Kacchan I know! You were scaring me a little" I giggle. "Shut it nerd!" Kacchan growls. Then there's a knock on the door. I open the door and it's Kaminari. "Hi Midoriya! Why don't you and Bakugou come down stairs and play a couple games with us in the living room!" Kaminari says then winks. I nod knowing what Kaminari's wink meant. Then I yell back to Bakugou. "Kacchan lets go to the living area to play a couple games with the others!" I shout back.

-time skip to when everyone is sitting in a circle ready to play.
Third person P.O.V-

"Okay! First game! Truth or dare!" Kirishima says. Everyone cheers in excitment. Some already plotting a dare for the most newest couple. "I wanna go first!" Ashido says. Kirishima nods in agreement. "Deku, truth or dare?" Ashido says turning to the broccoli head. "Uh..truth" Midoriya says. "Have you and Bakugou had sex yet!?" Ashido asks, a hint of excitment in her voice. "No, we haven't" The greenette answers truthfully. Suddnely Bakugou pulls Midoriya on his lap. Ashido just glares. "Uraraka, truth or dare?" Midoriya says turning to Uraraka. "Ummm...Dare!" Uraraka exclames. "I dare you to kiss Iida" Midoriya says with a smirk. "Uh..ok!" Uraraka says then turns to her boyfriend and pecks him on the lips. "Bakugou?" Uraraka says suddenly then turning to the hit head. "What pink cheeks!?" Bakugou growls. "Truth or dare?" Uraraka asks. Uraraka winks at Midoriya when Bakugou isn't paying attention. Midoriya knows what Uraraka is going to dare Bakugou. "Dare" Bakugou says. Everyone watched Uraraka. Some praying that she wont die for the dare she'll give bakugou.
"I dare you to kiss Deku!" Uraraka exclaimes. With out hesitation Bakugou flips Midoriya to where Midoriya is now straddling Bakugou. Balugou then passionately kisses Midoriya. You can hear Ashido basically squealing at the top of her lungs. Midoriya kisses Bakugou back. When the two pull back the class starts clapping. When Midoriya tries to go back to his original position on Bakugou's lap, Bakugou doesn't let him so Midoriya is stuck straddling Bakugou for the rest of the game.

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