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It's been two months since my mom died, Kacchan does everything he can to make me smile. I have to start going to school again soon, since All Might is retired he'll baby sit Makamae while me and Kacchan are at school. Kacchan caught me up on all of my studies. Kacchan helps me so much, I'm lucky to have him.


"Hey Bakubro! heard Mydoriya is comming back to school soon!" Shitty hair says comming out of nowhere. "I know, now fuck off" I bark at shitty hair. "I've noticed you've been really distant and more pissy then you normally are" shitty hair says. I just ignore him. Denki had already returned to school. " Bakubro, tell me what's wrong" Shitty hair pushes for answers. "Shouldn't you be fucking Denki?" I bark then get up from the lunch table and walk out of the cafeteria. "BAKUGOU!!!" I hear a high pitched voice and a deeper voice call. Already knowing who they are I turn around about to yell at them when I notice pink cheeks is crying and four eyes looks concerned. "What?" I say rather calmly. They look at each other then at me. "S-something h-happened" Uraraka stutters out. I don't even bother with nick names at the moment. "What!?" I blurt getting irritated. "d-d.....m-m"Uraraka tries but starts sobbing. "Spit it out before I blow your faces off!"I yell at the two. "Deku and Makamae went missing" Iida says since Uraraka is crying. realizing what Iida said I immeditly drop my bag and run.

"WHERE IS HE!?" I yell entering my dorm seeing some of the teachers there. "Young Bakugou, you should be at school right now" All Might says. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!?" I yell again tears threatning to fall. "Bakugou, w-we're not sure but we're suspecting that the leage has them" Nezu says. "I THOUGHT ALL MIGHT STAYS WITH THEM WHEN I'M NOT HERE!!!" I continue to yell. "Young Mydoriya had wanted some food and asked me to go out and get it" All Might argues. "YOU BETTER FUCKING FIND THEM!!" I yell. "Bakugou you should return to school" All Might says. "NO! Mydoriya and Makamae come first!" I Say each word getting quieter as tears start streaming down my face. The teachers stare at me in surprise, I never cry I don't blame them. "We already have heros searching for them" Midnight says. "What if we don't f-find t-them" I say as I start crying harder and fall to the floor as tears stream down my face faster.

"Don't worry we'll find them"

I finally updated! Sorry, I haven't had very much time and I really stressed at the moment especially since finals are comming up. I'm sorry this is so short this is all I could think up at the moment.

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