I really suck at naming chapters

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Bakugou sat in class looking out the window, not paying attention to the lesson.

Everyone in the class noticed how Bakugou wasn't their normal angry Pomeranian that they were used to. Everyone was really worried and scared about how he would be when Midoriya died.

At lunch Bakugou just silently sat at his usual lunch table as his friends chatted away, he just ignored them.

"Hey, Bakubro" Kirishima said waving a hand in front of Bakugou's face. "What do you want shitty hair" Bakugou almost growled, annoyed. "Are you doing okay man? Everyone's worried 'bout you. We can see how hard you're taking this thing with Midoriya" Kirishima said, obviously worried about his blond friend. "I'm fine. Stop worrying about me" was how Bakugou replied, everyone was pretty surprised he didn't yell at Kirishima.

After school Bakugou decided to changed before going to the going tot the hospital so he wasn't year his school uniform.

When Bakugou walked into his dorm, he felt a sense of loneliness. He imagined one of the days when him and Midoriya were cuddled up on the bed watching TV.

Bakugou turned to his closet and took out his black shirt with a skull on it, then went to his drawer and pulled out a pair of sweats. He quickly changed then went on his way to the hospital.

Bakugou was currently watching his boyfriend sleep. Bakugou noticed how skinny Midoriya was getting. According to the nurse, he doesn't have much of an appetite. "Can't recovery girl just heal you? That's a dumb question to ask, she probably can't heal things like this" Bakugou said to himself. Bakugou looked over at Makamae, who was sleeping peacefully in his crib.

Bakugou walked over to Makamae. "What am I going to tell you when your older and ask about your mom? Do I tell you the truth? I guess that's the better idea, I shouldn't hide this from you" Bakugou said as he stared at his small son. Tears started to flow down Bakugou's cheek. He didn't want to lose Midoriya, but there wasn't anything he could do. Why couldn't they have a happy normal life where they become pro heros together, raise Makamae, and grow old together.

Sorry for making you guys wait so long. I just haven't had much inspiration to write so that's why this chapter kinda sucks.

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