A Bakudeku Christmas Special

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Authors note: Okay, so this is a one shot and doesn't follow the plot of the story!

Christmas eve a UA, Everyone was in the common room opening presents from each other since tomorow they had to go home to spend time with family.

"Are you guys ready!?" Mina said cheerfully. "Yeah!" the class cheered. Kaminari and Kirishima then started to hand out presents. "Hey I didn't get a present from Bakugou." Someone said as they were look through the gifts. "Hey me either" Said someone else. "Okay, raise your hand if you didn't get a present from Bakugou" Mina said. Everyone raised their hand except Mydoriya (and of course bakugou didn't raise his hand) "Wait Deku, you got a present from Bakugou?" Uraraka asked the greenette who didn't raise his hand. "Yeah, look right here" Mydoriya said handing the box to Uraraka. 

To: Deku From: Kacchan

Merry Christmas, nerd

The box read.

Uraraka handed the present back to Mydoriya, "You should open it first, we're currious what Bakugou got you!" "Okay!" Mydoriya said, excited. 

Bakugou watched as the boy ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box, though he acted like he wasn't paying attention. Mydoriya pulled out a picture frame from the big box first.

Mydoriya then pulled out a Black hoodie, that Bakugou had custom made, and in big orange letters it said 'Kacchan's property' with a green silhouette of Mydoriya, and an orange one of Bakugou

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Mydoriya then pulled out a Black hoodie, that Bakugou had custom made, and in big orange letters it said 'Kacchan's property' with a green silhouette of Mydoriya, and an orange one of Bakugou. Bakugou watched as the greenette's cheeks turned a dark shade of red as he looked at the hoodie. And lastly Mydoriya pulled out another box that had a note on it.

Come to my room tonight

The note read. 

"Don't open that box, Not in front of everyone" Bakugou said now sitting by Mydoriya. Mydoriya was confused as to why he couldn't open the box, but decided to just wait.

Everyone then continued to open their own gifts happily, then they ate some dinner and rounded up their presents and headed off to their room. 


Mydoriya knocked on Bakugou's door. Mydoriya examined the box with the note on it as he waited for the explosive teen to open the door. Suddenly the door swung open and Mydoriya's head shot up. "Come in" Bakugou said calmly which scared the smaller teen a little. Bakugou examined the green haired boy, he was wearing a pair of shorts and the hoodie Bakugou got him. Bakugou then noticed the box in Mydoriya's hands. "Haven't opened it yet?" Bakugou asked. "No, I wanted to open it in front of you!" The smaller teen said happily. Bakugou felt his heart skip a beat at the bright smile coming from his childhood friend. "Open it, nerd" Bakugou said impatiently. Mydoriya then opened the small box and pulled out a green bracelet with a lock on it and a orange ring that said Kacchan on it. "Let me see the bracelet" Bakugou said, holding out his hand. Mydoriya hand bakugou the bracelet and bakugou pulled out an orange key and unlocked the bracelet then put it on Mydoriya's wrist and closed the bracelet. "The only way you can take off the bracelet is with the key" Bakugou explains noticing the confused look on the greenette's face. "Oh, it's like I'm your prisoner" Mydoriya joked with a big smile on his face. Mydoriya then put the ring on his left ring finger. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you" Bakugou said, scratching the back of his head nervously. "What is it?" Mydoriya asked as he stood in front of the exsplosive teen. "I...shit....ummm...." Bakugou struggled as he looked everywhere but at the boy in front of him. "I really like you, like I mean, really like you" Bakugou says then looks at the boy in front of him. Mydoriya's eye's are filled with happiness as he has a big smile on his face. "I really like you too, Kacchan!" Mydoriya said happily. "Wait, really? I didn't you would because of everything I'v-" Bakugou rammbles but gets interupted, "Just shut up and kiss me." A smirk then grows on Bakugou's face. Bakugou leans in and kisses Mydoriya passionately.

Soon the boys are in Bakugou's bed as Bakugou rams into Mydoriya and Mydoriya grips on to the sheets as he moans loudly, both boys oblivious to the rooms next to them.


"I...love you ....Kacchan" Mydoriya says in between breaths. "Love you too, nerd" Bakugou says as he pulls Mydoriya close to him, both boys still out of breath. The two boys slowly drift off to sleep.

Merry Christmas guys!

Also sorry for those who want smutt, butt you guys don't need to be reading smutt on christmas. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy your holiday!

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