New room

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As me and Kacchan walk back to the classroom I grow more nervous. Each step felt closer to being meet with the class that'll probably sympathy for me because Kacchan was my soulmate and he also hated me.
Before I knew it me and Kacchan were in the door way. All eyes on us. I forgot we were holding hands. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EXTRAS LOOKING AT!?!?" Kacchan yelled at everyone. "K-kacchan, you can't just call them extras all the time" I say turning to Kacchan. "Shut it" Kacchan replies. Okay. So maybe this was gonna be hard. Kacchan still continued to hold my hand as he lead us to our seats. Kacchan let go of my hand as we sat down. My hand felt so cold without Kacchan's warm hand. I guess Kacchan's are always warm due to his quirk.
"D-deku-kun?" Uraraka says staring at me. I look up and everyone else was also staring at me, incliding Kacchan, he was actually blushing. Then I realize why everyone is staring at me. I was mumbling again. "Dang it! I was mumbling again, wasn't I?" I ask the class. They all nod in agreement. I just slowly sink into my seat. "We just became soulmates and your already thinkinh of me" I feel Kacchan's warm breath against my ear. "Huh!?" I ask looking at Kacchan. He has a big smirk on his face.
"I am here!" All Might says suddenly bursting through the door in his strong form. Before All Might can say anything else there'a "poof" noise followed by smoke. Then All Might is caughing and is in his weak form. "Young Bakugou and Young Midoriya! I forgot to mention the three stages!" All Might explains. Mr. Aizawa has fallen asleep in his yellow sleeping bag in the corner of the room. "Stage one: The feeling that you must always be near eachother. Stage two: Kissing, and holding hands, cuddling, ect. Third and Final stage: The sudden urge of sexual intercourse! The urge will only grow stonger until you have sexual intercourse! Now that's all I had to say, goodbye now" All Might says then leaves. SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! I WASN'T READY FOR THAT! WHY WASN'T POSTED ON ANY WEBSITES OR ANYTHING! I HAD NO IDEA THAT THERE WERE EVEN THREE STAGES! "Oi Deku! Calm down! There's still two steps before that! Before you ask, yes you were mumbling again" Kacchan says. I just hide my face in my hands from embarassment. "Hey Uraraka! What stage are you and Iida on?" Ashido suddenly asks. Uraraka's face turns extremly red. "THAT IS NONE OF YOU BUISINESS!" Iida exclaims. "I bet you guys are on the third stage already!" Ashido exclaims. Then out of nowhere the bell rings for the end of the school day.
"Midoriya, Bakugou! Here is the number of your guys new dorm room, it's bigger and is specifically made for soulmates, I suggest you two pack your stuff then head to your new dorm" Mr. Aizawa says handing us keys and a piece of paper.

(Time skip brought to you by...Icy Hot boy)

For some reason I felt angry for all the All Might posters and cloths Action figures Deku had. After we were done packing and unpacking Deku flopped down on the master size bed.
There was something on my mind. I noticed Deku didn't have any pajamas. How weird. I thought this nerd would have a million pairs of All Might pajamas. But he didn't even have normal pajamas. "Oi Deku! Why don't you have any pajams?" I ask. Deku's face turns extremely red. "I-I.....Ummm....I sleep in m-my underwear or n-naked" Deku stutters. This nerd sleeps NAKED!? I normally just sleep in a pair of sweats. "D-don't worry K-kacchan, I wont sleep completly naked, I'll at least sleep in my boxers" Deku says. "Whatever" I just respond. "To be honest, I really don't care" I say. For some reason I really didn't care if Deku slept naked or not. Maybe having this shitty nerd for a soulmate wont be bad.

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