Chapter 10: Going out?

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Gwen POV:

"It's me Gw-aaaanda" phew. Good save Gwen. "Spider-woman?" Miles says in surprise. "Ye... my real name is Gwanda, I'm uh, South African." I'm just making up stuff at this point. Miles seems to buy it though. "Oh um... sure? Could you give me a hand though? I don't feel good." Right. Forgot about that. I rush over and put his hand around my shoulder, and start supporting him. He seems to be in good condition, but when I look at him, my senses spring again. He seems to have the same thing too. "You're.... Like me." I said. It can't be. My intuition was right that day(chapter 7)....... I just thought I was overthinking it. "Were you bitten by that spider?" I ask, knowing what the answer is. "Yes he says.... I was bitten like a week ago, and since then I've had these headaches. I thought I was just sick, but I guess I was wrong. And.... the spider that bit me.... Turned into liquid and went into my arms." He's starting to regain strength. That's good, no need for me to worry that much anymore. His glowing arms though, the spider literally disappearing from our eyes... That is new. I'm pretty sure that's the same spider, but when it happened to me it just escaped.

I need a way to keep an eye on him. "I'll teach you the ways... you can't misuse your powers." "Wow really?" He sounds excited. I stifle a giggle under my mask as I say "Yes, I will, just promise me you'll listen to me and I'll do it." "It's a deal!" he replies in excitement "How will you find me though?" he asks. I know fully well how to find him, even though he doesn't know. "I.... have me ways to find you. Will you be ok from now on?" I ask as we ascend from the tunnel, and onto the construction site once more. "I'll be fine," he says. "Should go home soon anyway." I nod as I hop onto the nearest wall, preparing to swing again, and as I swing away, I hear him say "Thanks.... Gwanda?" I chuckle to myself as I swing towards home.

Miles POV:

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Miles POV:

That was.... Interesting.... So turns out I was right. And to think I found out through a comic book.... I ponder about my future all the way home.... Right on time for dinner. Jeez.... I left home at 4, and it's 7:30.... It all happened so fast. I didn't even know it was that long.

-Time skip

After dinner and some rest, I finally checked my home... and realized Gwen texted me a few times. I panickedly replied, but to no response. I decided to call her and apologize. And after a while she... picks up. "Miles! What's up?" She asks "Look. Gwen I..... apologize for not replying just now... I had something going on just now. Seriously." "Ye. I figured." I let out a sigh of relief. Honestly, I expected her to be more petty butttt I'll take it. "But you owe me something for missing my calls though." I gulped "And what is that....?" "Next time we're going out you're paying for food." I groaned, but knew I had to. I heard her classic cute giggle from my phone, and... wait did I just say it was cute? Ew Miles! NO! Don't think like that! "Miles? Are you there?" I point my attention back to the phone "Yes Gwen, yes I am." 'As I was saying...." she says... "Do you wanna go to the new arcade in midtown tomorrow? Obviously as agreed you'll pay." I groan, knowing she's got that big ass smile on her face right now. I can imagine it clear as day. Heck, I think it barely leaves my mind. "Fine.... What time tomorrow?" I ask. Gwen murmurs "I'm not sure... I'll text you tomorrow." She says. "It's getting late anyway... Go sleep." "Sure..." I reply "Night" "Night" and I hear that little click as the call disconnects.

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