Chapter 6: Headache.... or?

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Gwen POV:

I felt bad turning Miles's request to hang out like that. I really wanted to hang out with him, but I had to go out. I walk into my dorm, and it looks like Cindy is still with the girls in the band. I change, and head for the window into the fire escape... and I start swinging. It's good to stretch my legs again after a few days of not being Spider-woman. Crime rate has been low for a while though, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.....

-Time skip (Too lazy to write an action scene right now)

That was fun, stopping criminals is always good, and I get that sense of accomplishment knowing I stop innocents from being mugged, or at times dying

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That was fun, stopping criminals is always good, and I get that sense of accomplishment knowing I stop innocents from being mugged, or at times dying. It's been almost 2 years of protecting the city since I've been bitten, and I've loved it. Gliding through the air with the skills I gained from ballet all those years.... I just hope it's enough to live up to the legacy of my mom Helen Stacey.... The great ballet dancer..... I just hope she's looking down at me from above and she's.... proud. Nevermind. I make sure to wait for Cindy to go to the bathroom until I climb in, and quickly change into my pjs. I finish my homework since it's relatively easy and lie in bed....

-Another time skip

Ughhh.... Another day of school..... I'm so tired. Couldn't sleep last night. My muscles ache from action for the first time in a while and... Miles... why is he in my head so much... Damnit Gwen get it together you have Physics in 20 minutes.....

After getting my things sorted, I head off to physics. Remembering that Miles is in my class, I couldn't help but smile. He's just like he..... Has the perfect vibe with me. I just seem to get along so well and I don't know why, there just seems to be a connection between us. I walk into the classroom and suddenly I get a massive headache..... My spidey senses are going through the roof! I don't know why. I feel weaker... weaker.... I see Miles with the little vision I had left as I fall over....

-Time skip, not that long tho (again, i know)

I wake up in the nurse's office to see Miles drawing in his sketchbook. He looks up quickly as he says "Gwen? Oh my god you're up? You ok?" "I've had worse, how long was I out?" "20 minutes, give or take." Is the response I had. Huh. Maybe I'm just a bit sick. I'm not sure. My spidey sense is still buzzing a bit.... But it seems to have gone down... what was that? There doesn't seem to be a threat anywhere.... Plus this seems.... Different. I don't feel like I'm in danger... Might wanna investigate it later.

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