Chapter 25: Wait-

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Still 3rd person POV:

"Love you mom, dad. Goodbye, world...."



Miles shuts his eyes tightly, expecting the inevitable hit of death on him, but....... It never comes. He opens his eyes slowly to watch.... Spider-woman holding off the punch. Doing all she can to hold off the freak of nature which is Tombstone right now.. How did she even get there? Miles wondered. But he can't focus on that now. He leaps into the air and kicks Crazy Tombstone in the face. He falls off, Spider-woman finally being allowed some rest as she falls to the ground. Miles walks to her, and though worry is seen in his eyes, a word isn't said. He just extends his hand out to her. Spider-woman nods, knowing that it's not like he doesn't care, but he knows that they have a job to finish. She nods, and their hands connect as Miles pulls her up. They watch as the crazed monster roars in anger, and almost as if they've done it before, Miles balls up his fists together, lets Spider-woman jump on them, and catapults her into the monster (IDK GUYS. Some kinda gymnastic stuff I saw the other day and I thought it was cool idk how to explain how it works.). Gwen catapults into Tombstone's face, sending him into the wall.

-Time skip

The fight almost seems to be in the two spider's favor. Both land a flurry of punches, and the police force has finally shown up. Shots are fired at the monster as they fire shots on him. In retaliation, the monster throws a big boulder at a building, where.... All the policemen are. All of them scramble, but one falls over. Someone goes over to help, but in the process finds himself stuck in some debris, right under the falling boulder. Miles sprints. He has to save that officer. As he gets closer, he sees the badge next to the officer.....'Davis' "NO! DAD!" He yells as he jumps over. The boulder falls on the two of them, and Gwen watches in horror. She lands a strong punch on Tombstone, and the monster further falls back as the police fire on him. "MILES! nononononoNO! Please NO! Miles? C'MON!" (Anyone know where this line is from?)

She sees a rumble as she gasps. The debris was.... Moving? She runs over and throws a huge chunk away to reveal Miles holding the brunt of the damage and his dad right next to him.(Thought Mr. Davis doesn't know). Gwen helps them out as they run out. Miles's dad rubbing off himself and Miles stumbling over to her in pain. "You're alright" she gasps. Miles chuckles "Why won't I be?" he said through strained breaths. Unbelievable, Gwen thinks. He's so stubborn, so annoying but it's also so...... endearing. Gwen shakes her head at her own comment as Mr. Davis coughs. The two turn attention to him as he says "Well thank you two. You especially, kid." Miles uses a deeper voice to disguise himself. "My pleasure sir" Gwen chuckles at it. "But you guys might wanna finish him off." Mr. Davis points at Crazy Tombstone returning to action. The two heroes nod as they return to the action.

-Time skip

Despite all the help, things seemed to go worse. Prowler does resurface, but he's in such poor condition he can't fight. And with Miles and Gwen sustaining more injuries, it looks more and more worse. Miles tries to trip Tombstone with a lamppost, but he just uses the other end to send Miles flying. Gwen watches Miles crash on the floor, groaning in pain. Further anger just surfaces in her ."NO!" She yells in anger. She sends a flurry of punches into Tombstone, fully releasing her spider-strength to its fullest extent. The attack surprises him, but he's barely phased. He smacks her away, and approaches her, doing his signature cracking on knuckles. He raises his arm, in preparation to hit her. "You finally die" is the words he utters.

"NO YOU DON'T" A yell catches Tombstone's attention. As he looks, he gets hit big a giant blue beam of energy, and sent into a store. As the smoke dissipates, Tombstone is back to his normal form, clothes half ripped, and he is finally knocked out. The effects of the crazy red Tombstone worn off by the defeat. Gwen looks at Tombstone's unconscious body, and lets out a sigh of relief. They've finally done it. And it was Miles that did that final blow. She's so proud of him..... But as she looks for him, she sees the body slumped on the floor...... Blue glowing marks all over his body, even apparent on his face from his half torn mask. Fear and panic rises in her..... As she runs to his body. "No No No.... please be ok...." She hears the sound of sirens around her, as people flood the park. But she knows she doesn't wanna be around this right now. She sends a web towards the sky, and carries Miles with her....

Injured, they can only manage a decent landing, though Gwen makes sure Miles doesn't take any damage. She watches the marks on his body...... She forgot what he had said. "Miles..... Please wake up..... You're ok. You have to be.... I don't know what I'll do without you...." SHe could fear the tears flying down her face. "Why..." She muttered through the tears, now flowing through her face without stopping. "Why'd you risk everything for me ... ." "Idiot" She grabs his hand, and increases her grip with every second. "Idiot, idiot, idiot.... Why'd you do this....." This is why she never wanted Miles in the thick of action.... She knew she could never bear to see him like this..... She doesn't even know if he'll ever recover.... She might never hear the childish jokes, that stupid laugh, the stubborn attitude, everything about him which she loved so much. Being unable to bear watching him anymore, she looked away from his limp body.


She looked back, slight hope in her eyes as she heard a sizzling sound behind her..... And she's blasted back by a blast of energy.... She groans in pain as she feels a bit of burning pain, but she knows it's ok.... She felt worse. She leans against the wall as the smoke dissipates...... and she sees a figure appear. Miles...... back, with all the marks and patterns off him. "He's ok....." She whispers to herself. Miles looks as he says "Oh my god! Did I hit you? Are you ok? Wait -" Miles stops as he looks on in confusion

"GWEN?" earlier post today! You people are lucky 😆. What's gonna happen next? Is Miles ok? Is Gwen ok? You'll have to find out next chapter.

P.S. I know I do lots of cliffhangers guys. I do it on purpose. 

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