Chapter 31: She's......right

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Gwen POV:

I look at MJ with gratefulness in my eyes. She knew it was my fight, and never tried to stop it. I look back at Miles who's still worrying over my injuries. "I'm okay," I say to him. He nods, but he suddenly pulls some band aid out, putting them over my mini injuries. "Miles, seriously I'm fine," She says. He nods again, but remains quiet while providing bandages to the spots. I'm fine, but I still allow him. Honestly it's sweet how he worries over something so little.... I decided to tie my hair into a ponytail, it helps it look better after some of that hair pulling. I look up to see Miles, who's just staring at me. "Miles?" I ask. "You ok?" Miles suddenly looks away, and I notice he's doing that thing where he's scratching his head again.... Is he nervous? He looks back at me, and says.... "Your ponytail..." I cringe "Does it look that bad?" I ask. "No" He swiftly responds. "I've just never seen it before...... It looks really nice." I feel the heat come to my face as he says that. Why do I feel like this? Miles then coughs "Um.... also..... Would you mind letting go of my hand? You've been holding it for a while." WHAT? I release his hand from my grip as I realize that I've been tightly holding it for a while. "When did this happen?" I squeal as I look away, face red from the interaction. Miles chuckles "I think it's because you hurt a bit when I taped one of the bandages. I saw you wince and then you started gripping my hand tightly." OH MY GOD! How did I not notice this? I look down, just to notice his hand red from the part I grabbed. "Oh my god! Are you ok?" I ask. "I'll be fine.....Spider-healing remember?" He smiles. Slowly turning towards the exit, he says "Don't worry..... I'll be fine. See ya at school tomorrow.... Gwanda" I choke on the name "I.... MILES YOU GET BACK HERE!" I yell as he runs out the door.

As I run out, I get stopped by.... MJ. She smirks at me. "Chasing your lover?" She teased. "I-" I start, but stop as she starts walking away already. "Where are you going?" I ask. She looks back at me behind her shoulder as she says, "C'mon, we're going out today aren't we?"

-Time skip

3rd person POV:

The 2 friends sit at the outside part of a café, both sipping on their respective drinks, with some shopping bags on the sides of them from their trip earlier. Gwen looks at her phone as it vibrates, looking frustrated as she had to drop all her bags. But all of a sudden, her mood seemed to brighten, as she started typing furiously on her phone. MJ looked on as her friend's smile widened, before setting her phone down slowly and sighing. "Tell Miles I said hi" MJ says, to Gwen's surprise. "How'd you know?" Gwen said, raising an eyebrow at her friend. MJ chuckled at her innocence. "Gwendolyn..... You're so innocent aren't you?" Gwen looked at her friend in confusion. "What does that mean Watson?" She asked. "Ever since you met Miles, you've been obsessed with that boy. I see it so often. When you don't get a text from him, you're soooo disappointed, and when you do? Oh you're so happy. Your face lights up, and your smile is wide. You only get that excited for him. And even if I didn't notice all that, you text him whenever you're awake, so it's an expected guess. Face it Gwen, you're obsessed with him" Gwen's face flushes as she hears her friend's explanation. "No.... no I'm not She says. Was she though? She thought to herself. Yes, she texted Miles a lot, but not more than the others right? She texted Betty, MJ, Cindy, a lot as well right? But as she thought about it, MJ was right. She texted more than anyone else, and the feeling she gets when she sees his name pop up on his screen..... She can't explain it, but it makes her feel warm inside.... Just very happy.

(It's a Lego animation of Miles and Gwen, from Jekester from ArtStation. Go check the guy's stuff out! It's really cool.)

It's the same when she hung out with Miles instead of the others. She enjoyed it so much more, she just can't stop laughing at his stubborn attitude, his stupid jokes, his childlike personality, the little actions he does... the way he would scratch his head when he was awkward or nervous..... And many more. She didn't even realize, but she's slowly gotten used to Miles in her life, and noticed every little thing about that boy. Maybe she was...... "Ok maybe you're kinda right." She said, Earning a victorious smile from MJ. After that, the two sat in silence, MJ giving the girl much needed time to collect her thoughts. "And you do realize what I'm getting at here right?" MJ asked her friend. Gwen looks up from her drinks, pulled out of her thoughts. "What do you mean?" She asks. MJ facepalms, surprised that her friend hasn't caught on to her point yet. "You're in love, Stacy. In-love. How have you not realized yet?" Gwen blushes deep red, before saying "NO! I'm not! I'm just good friends with him!" MJ chuckles. "Seriously Stacy, you're still not accepting that? Think about it. Deeply. How do you feel about the boy?" Gwen doesn't know how to respond, and returns to her drink. 

MJ can't be right can she? Yes, what she said earlier was true, maybe she was a bit closer to Miles than she was with her other friends, but it wasn't love, was it? Surely not. But Gwen thought about it. She thought about how much it meant to her when Miles spent so much time on his drawing for her, instead of buying a cheap little gift for her. She reminisced on the times she hung out with Miles, and how much it warmed her heart when Miles would fuss about her little injuries, even earlier when all she took was some scratches, knowing fully well she can take a hit from the Hulk. She remembered how panicked she was whenever she saw Miles get injured in the few fights he was in, and how much worry went through her head whenever it happened. She remembered how miserable she felt when Miles went unconscious after knocking himself out beating crazed Tombstone, how sad she felt when she thought she would lose him.... She just can't imagine a world without him. And even the simple little things. There are times where Miles would do the simplest of things, and her heart would just warm, and butterflies would burst from her chest (not literally). The boy was almost always in her mind, almost to the point where it affected her work at times.

Gwen ran her hand through her hair...... MJ was right. She's......right.

*GASP* Gwen likes Miles? What a surprise! What will she do next? (Is it really?). Yet again, tell me how you feel about that chapter, since I've yet again never done something like this before. I have zero experience. Also, how do you guys feel about the return of 1st person POVs? Do you like them or no? Tell me in the comments.

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