Chapter 17: Guilt(Miles POV)

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Miles POV:

"Miles....?" I hear a voice behind me. It's Gwen. I slowly turn my head back to look at her. All the jokes at the eating table disappear from my mind as I look at her. I still remember the moment we shared on the rooftop, where she told me I'm one of the most incredible people she knows, and how I'm super important to her. Those words.... Really calmed me down... Since I was overthinking a lot there...... But then she left...... and she lied to me. I defended her because I remembered her words, and I thought it'd be worth it to help her out. Now I just need answers. So.... "Gwen....? What's up?" I ask. "Can we talk for a minute...? Alone?" She asks. I nod at her, knowing she probably wanted to talk about earlier. I follow her to the corner of the canteen. She turns to me as she says "Miles...... I just wanna apologize for earlier today.... You didn't have to do all that for me." "It's fine," I reply. Now to get answers. "But I know you weren't sick...... Why'd you ditch class? Especially after you told me you were going to be 'preparing for bio class' before you left me" A look of surprise forms on her face. She seemed like she... didn't expect it? Then why'd she come to talk to me? "Look...." i say. "Just tell me what's going on, and it'll be fine" I look at her eagerly, expecting answers. Until I heard the 4 last words I wanted to hear from this conversation. "I can't....... Tell you."

Gwen's words hit as hard as a slap in the face. Why can't she tell me? "Why?" I ask. "I... just can't tell you." Is the response I get. Is she scared to tell me something? Or hiding something from me? "Gwen..... You know you can trust me. I know you won't lie to me for no reason.... but you have to tell me." I hope my words can convince her to tell me, but.... No response. I just stare off at... I'm not sure, but I'll give her some time. "Miles....." I snap my attention back at her, as she calls my name. "I can't tell you. Straight up. There's personal issues I have to deal with." I..... don't know how to respond; why won't she trust me? What is she hiding? This just feels like.... Margo all over again..... No... I can't go through this again, not again. God no please no. I feel like I'm gonna cry.... Can't let Gwen see me cry.... I turn away from her, wiping my hand over my wet eyes, as I say "I.... understand. You have your issues. I'll leave you to it then...." And I walk away. I pray that she will do something, tell me it is ok, explain everything.... But I feel nothing. My eyes are getting so wet I can barely see. So I pull on my hoodie so no one can see my face, and I..... run off.... As far as I can.....

-Time skip

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-Time skip

Miles POV:

Where am I? This place..... Looks familiar.... "MILES!" I look back, to see.... Margo? "C'mon Miles! Let's go play!" She drags me with her to the playground... Just like old times. I feel the ground shake as the surrounding area turns.... This is school? In year 3? I feel myself fall over as someone pushes me. "Move dork Morales!" I look back.... Flash. "EUGENE! Leave him alone!" I look backwards to see Margo. At this point we've been friends for 3 years, since year 1...... She always had to defend me from bullies like Flash. Flash was honestly the worst though....... Always targeted me. "Miles you ok?" I nod at her. She flashes her classic smile at me. I... couldn't help but smile back. "C'mon Morales! Get up! Or you won't be able to catch up to me!" 

The scene changes again.... I can't help it as I watch as it turns from the school corridor to that spot in the park... where we would always go to. "Miles? You ok?" Margo asks me. I nod at her. Her ever-lasting smile facing me, as always. "Miles, don't forget I will always be there for you. No matter Flash, no matter who, I will always be there for you, just as I know you will be!" She winks at me. I give her a smile, unable to talk. "Pinky promise?" she says, with her usual enthusiasm. I hold out my pinky and we shake on it (idk the right term so we'll go with shake. Is it 'pinky it'?). 

The setting changes again, where I'm walking with Margo back home, as we've done for years. For the first time I talk, though I don't feel in control. "Margo, what's been going on recently? You haven't talked as much.... We've not been as close." Margo stops, as I stop with her. She seems... almost.... Scared? " Don't worry Miles. I want to but....I can't tell you. Straight up. There's personal issues I have to deal with." Is the response I get. I look at her in worry, but she flashes me her smile... As she's done all these years...... I give her the good ol' thumbs up, and a little smile....... 

Then I feel the setting change, as this time.... I'm a 3rd person spectator? Where is this? Oh no.... Not again.... I look at the young 6th grader that is standing outside a classroom holding a box of chocolates..... It's me...... I see 'me' run away as he hears Flash Thompson walking out of the classroom, followed by..... I remember it all.... I don't wanna look at it.... But my eyes can't move from this vision.... He's followed by Margo Tess.... My best friend at the time...... I see young me's eyes widen in shock, as 'I' hide in a corner. Both me and my young self hear a girly laughter, as we both look around the corner.... To see my most hated person in the world.... Kissing my best friend..... The friend who I happened to love....... I look at the young me. Who drops the chocolate, and the I love you red heart note in shock. I don't even need to look at 'me' to know the tears are coming.... I remember this as it was yesterday. I look back as I hear the sound of sneakers running, as I watch a young 6th grader grab his things off the floor... and runs off..... 

(I just gotta say the color scheme on this picture is perfect)

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(I just gotta say the color scheme on this picture is perfect)


Writer's note:

So that kinda explains why Miles is kinda introverted and has trust issues.  He's always been the quiet kid, but throughout the years together Margo was able to get the best out of our boy Miles. They were kinda like the extrovert friend and introvert friend duo. So.... ye. But why did he open up so quickly to Gwen though? 🤔

Also for anyone wondering? Margo Kess in actual marvel related terms IS Spider-Byte. I'm not the type to make my own characters(Also no hate to Spider-byte she's a great character in the movie and in comics, but I couldn't find someone else for this like role. Apologizes for the Spider-byte fans there. She's great😭).  And we all know Flash Thompson he doesn't need any introduction. I never liked Flash personally, except from like 1 or 2 depictions of him in a certain movie and a certain series.

 I never liked Flash personally, except from like 1 or 2 depictions of him in a certain movie and a certain series

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(Just like imagine her as a normal human instead of a glowing avatar as she was in the movie.)

So.... here's 'Guilt' in Miles's POV! How'd yall think about this kind of chapter format? Should I do this again? Tell me in the comments. 

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