Chapter 14: Who are you?

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3rd person POV:

Miles and Gwen both look on, with a very clear view from the tall campus building. They can see the chaos and destruction caused by Scorpion and Morbius, in the process of attacking a truck containing some alien material discovered by scientists. Gwen pretends to look at a non-existent watch, and says "Oh, uh..... I have to go..... I have to prepare for our Bio lesson." She lies, starting to run for the door. Miles, barely taking his eyes off the action, gives her a skeptical look, but doesn't provide a response or any form or objection to her leaving.

Gwen runs to her dorm, where she's able to locate her spider suit. She puts it on quickly, and swings into midtown where cops are quickly swinging into the battle, With Morbius's inhumane powers and Scorpion's suit being too much for the police force. She jumps behind a police car, to see her dad behind it, firing from a relatively safe spot.

Gwen POV:

"Hi Gwe- Spider-Woman" He says to me. I nod, looking at the situation before me. As I was evaluating my options of approaching the fight, a big figure swoops into the fight, and sends Morbius crashing straight into the wall, and straight after goes to fight Scorpion. I swing into action with this cue, to see the same masked man from the other day fighting him. As it looks like Scorpion was about to sting him while in combat, I swing in and kick Scorpion in the face. "Thank" I hear a deep voice say. "Bad time, But who are you?" I ask "Purple panther? The Caped Purple Cader? Purple Garfield? Macho Libre?" (Yes I referenced the movie, just with purple instead of blue, and no this is not Miguel.) "I'm.... the Prowler" He replies, as he rushes back into the action, with Morbius slowly rising from the ruins of a fruit shop. Poor apples and bananas. I tackle Scorpion again, as he brandishes his sharp claws, charging at me. I shoot a weeb, and he dodges. "Ha! You missed!" He yells "You villains never learn" I reply, as I pull a car into his back, and he collapses to the weight of it. Scorpion tries to break out, but I swiftly knock him out with a graceful kick, before breaking the pointed tail and webbing him to the floor.

 Scorpion tries to break out, but I swiftly knock him out with a graceful kick, before breaking the pointed tail and webbing him to the floor

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I look around to see Prowler struggling a bit with Morbius. Morbius seemed to be too quick for the guy; and I hopped in to join the action, shooting webs at the monster. (Mini time skip) After a while, Morbius was still holding on. We've done good blows, but he's still standing. I swing another car at him, and this time he can't dodge it, but he's no scorpion. He breaks the car into pieces and goes on. I dodge as he swings in with his claws, but Prowler isn't so lucky. He gets lifted into the air, and I climb on the wall to chase. We get to midtown until Morbius soars higher. I groan in frustration. If only I was given flight. Maybe a radioactive bird or something. Ew nevermind, I'll probably grow feathers or something, and just, no. Morbius, realizing that he can't outrun me, decides to come back for me, which I dodge." After a short chase, we're back, closer to the school than ever. Here's where I worry. He could attack so many innocent students there, my friends.... Miles....

As we get closer, Morbius seems to be aiming for the school. Shit. I finally decided to web him, but.... Bad idea. Now he can control where I land. He spins, and I spin. As it looked like I was gonna crash into a building..... BOOM! A blinding blue light crashes fills the area. I lose my grip and crash through a window, along with the other 2. I got up and prepared to fight, but Morbius was knocked out. 

What happened? I think to myself, observing the smoke coming from his chest, with a blue glow, I assume from the blast, slowly disappearing from view

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What happened? I think to myself, observing the smoke coming from his chest, with a blue glow, I assume from the blast, slowly disappearing from view. Where did that come from? I was trying not to die so much I couldn't see it. I look back at the Prowler to see if he's ok, but he's already up. Though weak, he's standing. "You could use medical support." I comment. "True, but no thanks," he says. "Pleasure working with you, Spider-woman" he says as he sends a grapple into a nearby building. "Same to you...." I slowly reply as I also leave the situation. I see my dad on the way out, scrambling to help innocents, and doing his job. Time to head back to class, I guess.

There we go! Finally some action in the story! Sorry if it's not the best, I have zero experience in writing action scenes,  so ye. Also, sorry for a shorter chapter. I have ideas but they fit the next chapter better.

Also, who is the Prowler? Who is the masked man? Wonder who blasted Morbius and saved the day? Guess in the comments. 

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