Chapter 18: Oh no

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Miles POV:

I watched the little boy run away from the scene..... Hurt... Crying..... Angry from what he's just seen.... The feeling of betrayal always hurts the worse..... Since it's always gonna be from someone trusted, someone close to you.... it will forever be worse than almost anything an enemy can do to you......

Then the scene changes again.... It turns into a bedroom.... Where the same little boy from Brooklyn was just just bawling his eyes out.... I watch as he messily eats all the chocolate.... And crushes the red note in his hands.... And I hear him mutter the words.... "Why did this happen.... Why me..... Margo....." And I hear those words that I remember so well..... "Should I trust in love again?" As those words come out, I feel the ground disappearing from me, I feel like I'm falling as everything blurs out.... And I wake up.... It was a flashback.... A trip down memory lane.... Not the best memories to revisit huh.... 

I look around me. I'm lying there in a corridor in the middle of a corridor... close to the canteen.... And it's dark. I just assume I tired myself out while crying so much earlier; and I just slipped into unconsciousness. I walk off into the canteen, and it's pitch black. What time is it....? I look at my watch.... 12 o'clock?? Oh no... I clearly missed curfew. I start tiptoeing out of the canteen, hoping that no one will find me... My head spins, telling me someone's close. I stick my head lightly around the corner as I see.... Oh shit. Of all teachers, Mr. Smith? I'm already in trouble with him. And he's coming my way! What can I do.... Maybe...... the practice would work. I pull all my focus into my hands as I put them on the wall.... And I start climbing..... It works! Thank god for spider powers. I climb on the ceiling, and I manage to get on a high angle where I can't be seen. But then.... CREAK! I put my hand on a vent and it creaked loudly. Mr. SMith points his flashlight at me.... I'm dead. But he just..... Look past me? It's almost like he couldn't see me.... Almost like I'm invisible or something. I release a sigh of relief as he turns the corner and leaves. But I can't move! I can't release my hands! What can I do...... Relax Miles.... Sing Sunflower. "Needless to say I keep her check......" as I sing some of the lyrics, my grip releases as I fall on the floor. "Owwww......" That hurt, but luckily nothing too bad happened. Time to go back to my dorm I guess.

 Time to go back to my dorm I guess

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-Time skip

The next few days are kind of a blur.... I don't know what's going on anymore. I wanted to talk to Gwen, but didn't have the heart to. She seemed to try to approach me multiple times, but every time she'd back off before she said a word. Did I look that scary now? I don't know... Luckily I'm still able to get through class at a good level.... I'm still doing fine....

-Time skip (Friday afternoon)

I make my way home through the bus, as usual. The bus was really crowded.... But whatever... I'm used to it. I get home, and I found a note on my table

'Miles, me and your father both have late shifts tonight. I've been asked to work overtime at the ER, and your dad has patrol. I've left food you can heat up in the fridge. Enjoy!'

Gotta love mom

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Gotta love mom. I walk into my room and settle down my things. I lie on my best, and play... You know it. Sunflower. Gotta love that song. I was just resting when I felt something... This sense of.... I'm not sure. Just this sense telling me something's up. I look out my window.... To see Spider-Woman perched on the side of a building... Staring at something. Gotta get her attention. I chucked a mini notebook at her...... And she dodges, but then grabs it with her web as she sends it back. "Why are you here?" I ask. She just kinda stares at me for a bit. "I......" I hear her say. I poke my head further out my window, waiting for her answer. "ve come to continue your training!" I feel the surprise come from my face, but I try to play it cool. I hop onto the edge of the window, holding on tightly to make sure I don't fall, unless sticky hands don't work. "Woah there" She says, probably worried I'll fall. "I've been practicing" I respond as I start slowly climbing up the wall. I put my hoodie over my face first to avoid anyone seeing. I start climbing up the wall with confidence. I start celebrating as I close in on the top Wooooo! I got this! I'm Spider-man!" I yell loudly. I hear a chuckle coming from behind her mask. I raise one hand in celebration..... But I lose focus. My knees buckle on their hold, and my hand loses its stick on the wall. OH NOOOOO

"AHHHHHH" I yell as I start falling.


So here's Chapter 18! We've finally finished Miles POV of 'Guilt' though I didn't count this chapter as a Miles POV part 2 since the whole thing about guilt is how Gwen feels after hurting Miles emotionally (Unintentionally obviously).  Also.... Miles's powers are developing! Let's go! Potential spider-action real soon? We shall see.......

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