Chapter 40: Butterflies...

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Miles POV:

As I walked around, I felt someone grab my hand......... Oh no. "Miles!" Felicia says to me. I pull my hand quickly from her grasp and stick them in my pockets. "What do you want?" I ask. "What do YOU want?" She asks. She winks at me. "You came here to see me obviously right?" She says. I scoff. "No...." I reply, desperately trying to hint that I am uninterested and want out. "You even paid for a VIP to see me, right?" She said, rapidly blinking at me. I pull out my phone, and pretend to be looking at something. But she keeps going. "Y'know..... Now that Gwen isn't here.... You can be true to yourself.... Come to me" She says, extending her arms. I back off, but realize I'm almost backed up against the wall. I shut my eyes as tight as possible. I don't wanna have to face this. I could just swing, or use my powers, but I can't do that. That'll be irresponsible. How do I get out of this? "Wait where'd he go?" I hear Felicia say. I open my eyes in surprise to those words, and I see her looking around, looking for me..... But I'm right here. But then I look down.... And my body is..... Translucent? Woah..... I'm almost invisible. I continue watching Felicia call for my name, and I sneak off away. As I get away, I hear the crowd cheer. I see a sign that says 'Spectator' and I walk towards it. I get through the curtain, and I see a big crowd there. I walk in, and now I'm part of the crowd.

-Time skip

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-Time skip

The curtains raise, and I watch as MJ walks up to the stage. I see Gwen, Cindy, and Betty behind them. I wave at Gwen, hoping she'll see me in the crowd. But she's too focused on the drums. MJ says ""Hello everyone! IS EVERYONE READY TO ROCK?" I feel my eardrums explode as the crowd erupted in unison. "So our first song is 'Waiting For Love' by Avicii!" MJ said. I watched her take a breath, and prepare to sing "When there's a will, there's a way, kind of beautiful...."

-Time skip

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-Time skip

Still Miles POV:

And the song ended with the guitar and drums combination between Gwen and MJ. They're so good. I've heard MJ sing many times in their practice, but on stage.... She's really in her element. Engaging with fans, jumping around.... She's so good. And Gwen.... Same with her. Her ability on the drums is always great.... And on stage she seems even better. She's so focused and she looks so good on stage on those drums...... I focus my attention on the stage again as MJ talks into the mic. "Thank you! Now for our second song..." She says, and to my surprise, she seems to be... moving away from the mic? I watch as Gwen walks up to it and..... She looks great. I've never seen her dress like this, but she looks so pretty. I slap myself. Stop it Miles. But then I look back up as I realize..... Gwen is gonna be singing.... That's why she's up there....... I decide to wave at her, hoping she'll see me this time and that I'm at her concert. "GWEN!" I yell, hoping my voice will get over the many in the crowd. And as I do that.... We lock eyes......

-Time change (3rd person POV focused on Gwen)

(Back to when Gwen starts going to the mic.)

Gwen walks up to the mic, to the surprise cheers of the crowd. Gwen looked around, and she tried to talk, but she was frozen in fear. MJ and the others can't help them now. She remembered what MJ had said previously 'You're aiming for him'. That's it. She's doing this for Miles. It's his birthday. She looked through the crowd, eyes searching for him. Her heart dropped as she couldn't find him. "Maybe he just didn't come...." She muttered to herself, almost tearing up at the thought. She knew the audience was waiting, but she's gonna tell MJ she can't do this. They'll probably fail, and it's all on her and her stupid idea. As she prepared to turn, through all the voices in the crowd, she heard one specific person yell "GWEN!" She perked up, and looked around to see Miles. She felt the butterflies in her stomach as they locked eyes, and she felt her frown turn upside down. She grinned, and she saw Miles mouthing words of encouragement. She nodded, and looked up. All of a sudden, her head was clear. She knew what she wanted to do, and how to do it. It was like a fire was lit in her belly, and she was motivated to win. She looked back, and gave a confident smile to MJ, who gave her a reassuring smile and a thumbs up. Gwen took a deep breath, and yelled into the mic "HELLO NEW YORK!" To the loud crowd. Gwen took another deep breath, and composed herself. "So today, I'll be singing 'At My Worse' by Pink Sweat$, and this is dedicated to a very special person in the crowd. Happy birthday to you, one of my best friends, and thank you for being in my life." She took a step back, and prepared herself to sing.....

Ok there we go guys! Chapter 40! And look people Felicia doesn't mess up anything! Please don't kill me.

......Or maybe it's just not this chapter.......?

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