Chapter 60: Miss her....

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Chapter 59:

3rd person POV:

"Plus you're not the only one who feels like they could've done more"

Miles frowns at Gwen's comment, but looks perplexed. He knows Gwen lost her mom when she was young, but she had absolutely no idea what she was talking about at the moment. "Gwen.... Are you talking about your mom?" Miles asked, hugging Gwen who was desperately trying not to break down. She slowly nodded in response though, and Miles nodded, though still confused. Miles left her to her thoughts, and she slowly melted into his arms. Miles kept quiet though, letting her talk when she wanted to, not pressuring her to talk. Finally, she let out a shaken, but also a more composed breath. "It happened when I was young.... You know I lost her when I was young." Gwen finally said, slowly removing herself from Miles's arms and hugging herself as they looked at the scenery in front of them. She went silent for a bit, then suddenly, it seemed as all the composure that she seemed to attain seemed to completely crumble, and tears rushed down her face, as she let out a brittle cry....



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Miles looked stunned. Gwen's supposed to be the more mature one.... The more sensible, the one always in control of her feelings, always in control no matter the situation.... But here she was, crying, looking absolutely lost, and Miles was supposed to be the one who needed help. But he realized.... He still needs to be there for her. Cautiously, he slowly scooted over to her, slowly bear-hugging her widely moving body, slowly stopping her as she kept crying. "What do you mean?" Miles calmly said to her; and his calming voice seemed to help, with her wiping her tears with her sleeve and trying to stop herself from crying. Through tearful sobs, she finally said "I saw her die- I should-should've done something to help- but I-I- didn't" Miles frowned at her. "Didn't? Or couldn't?" Miles said to her, and she stared at him with a look that showed so much emotion.... Miles could see how broken she was, how guilty she felt, with what seemed to be years of bottled up frustration, anger...... pain... all spilling out of her. "Does it matter?" She said in a tiny voice that sounded almost..... And scared..... Miles looked at her, full of worry. "Of course it does.... That changes everything... So tell me.... What happened?" Gwen stared off into the distances. "We were going to the steakhouse...... I used to love that place." Miles nodded, signaling for her to continue. "That place was far from where we used to live.... And then.... And I remember that day... We went because I won the ballet competition.... And I insisted on going there as my reward..... But that day.... It was rainy...." She stopped as she sobbed into her sleeve, and Miles patted her back, trying to help her.

"The rain..... Made it tough for it to drive and uh- uh..... " Gwen cried even harder, and all Miles could do was hug her tighter, and she cried into his chest, soaking up the front of Miles's suit, but he didn't care. He had to be there for her. "It was my fault. I was the one that insisted on going. I was the one that cried in the car.... I think my crying and the rain threw dad off.... And then a tree crashed down-" Miles felt a gulp in his throat as he processed the information.... It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened next, and it could so easily have been his girlfriend that was lost that day..... He couldn't help but think of that. "It crashed and.... Dad was knocked out.... And the car tilted over..... Almost over the edge. By some miracle he fell out of the broken window..... But me and mom were stuck on the other side. 

And I- I- I- couldn't do anything

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And I- I- I- couldn't do anything. I somehow managed to get out but I.... couldn't help her. I COULDN'T HELP HER! I gave her my hand but I... I wasn't strong enough and I- I was scared that my body shook and that split second... where I could have just gone in and saved her.... Passed.... And the car fell.... By some luck I dropped out the other side... and I just remember that moment... sometimes waking up to it at night... that moment where I was all alone... mom dead, thought my dad was dead, drenched in rain and tears, alone on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere..... I was so alone Miles.... So cold, so lonely.... And I can't forget that feeling....." Miles patted her on the head. "You couldn't have done anything there... you were a child..." he responded. No response comes from the blonde girl, and Miles looks down in concern.

"I miss her so much..."


Writer's note: 

Hi guys...... guess who's back..... How ya'll doing?  I just wanna apologize for being away so long.... I was dealing with some stuff.... and I also had a lot of exams happening around this time, so I was very busy with studies and everything. I also ran into a bit of writer's block.... couldn't get the motivation to write at times. But I'm back, I can't promise I'll post regularly especially with some things coming up soon, but I'll definitely promise that I won't just shove this story to the side without finishing it. So ye.... I'm back, and hopefully everyone that was liked this story is still here and want to continue reading this till the end! Woo!


P.S. The chapters are gonna be back to spider action soon, :D

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