Chapter 51: No.

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3rd person POV:

Margo Kess slowly opened her eyes..... She opened her fist and summoned a big ball of energy......

But then the ball of energy disappears as Margo Kess falls, and loses consciousness and falls back unconscious, and everything is fine now.

(I'm just kidding. That'll be too easy wouldn't it?)

She summoned a ball of energy in her hand. As the couple in front of her face talked, backs turned to her, the ball of energy in Margo's hand slowly became bigger and bigger. Normally spider-sense would alert them of the danger but.... The two were so scrambled after the ordeal they didn't sense it. Margo aims, and fires the blast from her fingers, and 'BOOM' (lol more sound effects.) the blast connects to the back of the unaware Miles Morales. Gwen falls a few feet from Miles, as the boy crashes into the ground from the blast. Margo staggers to her feet, and a maniacal smile forms on her face. She starts laughing crazily as she starts forming another ball of energy in her hand, aimed at Miles. Gwen gasps as she realizes what Margo wanted to do, and tries desperately to get up to defend Miles, but she can't get up and groans in agony due to the injury. Miles couldn't react, lying on the ground dazed, unable to do anything. Margo slowly started stepping closer to "If I can't have him..... No one can." Margo laughs, and she prepares to aim the ball of energy at Miles....

"NO!" A yell comes out of nowhere.

Margo gets tackled by someone, and Margo, surprised, turns as she releases the blast, and the tackler takes the full brunt of the blast instead.... And as the smoke dissipates, Miles looked on.... And the sight in front of him horrified him. The man that had tackled Margo was the Prowler.... And his blasted body was not a good sight to see. Miles could see the man groaning in pain, and his chest was bloody and bleeding anywhere.... Some bones even sticking out of his stomach and other places (sorry for the gruesome detail.) He was breathing heavily, and Miles could tell the man would die soon without any medical attention. On the side, Margo got up, the magic energy seemingly peeling off her, and the girl was grabbing in the air, desperately trying to retrieve it. Miles, just to make things safe, charges his 'venom' lighting onto his hands and lands a punch onto Margo, knocking her out and finally taking her out of commission. Miles then quickly rushed to the side of the fallen man, who was groaning in pain from the hit. Miles avoided looking at his bloody torso, and looked right at the masked man. He hears the pained voice say "Just take off my mask..... Miles." The boy from Brooklyn was surprised to hear his name being called, but didn't think much of it, thinking he probably heard it in the middle of the fight...... Until he tore the mask off the man's face. "No.... NO! NO!" Miles yelled.....

Miles met eyes with probably one of the last people he expected

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Miles met eyes with probably one of the last people he expected.... And this was the worst time to see him again. His Uncle Aaron looked back at his nephew, and managed to let out a pained chuckle, saying "What's up boy?" Miles couldn't help as tears escaped his eyes.... This can't be happening.... Not like this..... Why does it have to be his uncle? And why does this have to happen to him of all people? "Uncle Aaron...." Miles muttered... trying to wipe his tears off with one hand while the other tightly gripping his uncle's arm. "This is all my fault..." Miles said, head in his hands. Miles looks up, tears still rolling down his face as a little 'click' is heard and he sees his uncle's other hand get released from the Prowler's clawed glove. "It's not your fault Miles.... It's not your fault. Bad things happen to everyone y'know? Even good people. Good people like you Miles. But you need to keep going. You're the best out of all of us. With the most potential." Miles cries more, and his words are almost inaudible. "N- no- Don't say this! Y-You'll be FINE!" Miles yells. His uncle laughs, eyelids slowly starting to droop. "Miles, I need you to promise me something as well." Miles nods through the tears, and Aaron Davis continues. "You've got a gift, and you're doing the right thing. Watch over your parents for me ok?" Miles nods "I- I will." Miles says, his whole body shaking heavily now. "Good. And remember, you have a great gift. You have power. And with great power comes great responsibility." Miles nods, his tears stopping him from speaking now. All he could do was grab his uncle's hand tightly and desperately, letting out inaudible words of comfort, trying to tell his uncle it would all be ok. "One last thing," His uncle smiles, and looks at him. "The blonde's a keeper." And as he says that, his eyelids finally droop all the way to a close, and Miles feels the grip from his uncle's arm weaken.... And eventually the arm falls as the body in front of Miles Morales goes limp..... And goes lifeless.


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And here is chapter 51! A bit of.... an unexpected turn to the story, I guess. Did you guys like it or not....? Also did everyone like how I write dialogue? I'm not really experienced with it.

Bet yall didn't expect this though.

Also, just so everyone knows what's happening next, this arc of the story is ending very soon, I might potentially take a break, then I'm heading into a new arc of the story which is about...... you'll find out when it happens. It's a surprise for everyone. And ye this story isn't ending anytime soon. 

Btw, sorry for a shorter chapter than usual, was busy.

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