Chapter 48: It can't be...

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3rd person POV:

The Prowler crashed into the dirt right next to them. Miles leaned forwards, and checked on him to make sure he was fine. The Prowler still had a pulse, but he was knocked out cold. The two spider-people turned their attention as a 'BOOM' filled the air, and the two had to dodge as a car was thrown towards them. The blinding light filled the air , and after the two looked up to see Margo Kess yet again in the air, laughing menacingly. "Spider-Man is it?" Miles pulls back down his mask before saying "Ye, the one and only, now what do you want?" Margo chuckles, "Just let me kill the girl and maybe I'll let you live." "Not a chance" Miles growls back, hands charging with energy. "Interesting," Margo says back, body glowing in anticipation, as Miles charges in.

-Time skip

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-Time skip

Miles seemed to be more of a challenge this time for Margo, him seeming stronger than last time they fought not long ago. Miles finally seemed to find something that would match her magic rings; his venom blasts. Unlike his blue beams, the magic rings couldn't tear through them and the venom blasts actually were a match. Gwen watched from a view protected by some trees. She considered going back for her suit.... But she was so worried about Miles. He's inexperienced, Margo was so powerful.... And Miles was still injured. Gwen could see moments where Miles falters on an attack or fails to dodge an attack because of his shoulder injury bothering him, not to mention that Margo landed a lot more blows in addition to his shoulder injury. Gwen's eyes lightened with hope as Miles gained the upper hand, managing to shock Margo for a second, and Miles grabbed her no avail. Gwen's eyes widened as Margo glowed pink... and sent Miles into a bus stop, almost destroying the transportation area. "How...." Gwen watched Miles mutter. "I've seen you do this already. Absorbing energy? I saw it on television. But you're stupid. I hold magical energy. It's completely different." Miles groaned in frustration and also in pain. Gwen could tell that was his attempt to finish the fight and it, and put all his energy in the blast prior as well, and it.... Drastically backfired. Margo cackled menacingly as her glowing rings yet again formed around her hands, and she pointed one at Miles....

'WHACK!" (Idk sound effect)

Margo lurched forwards a bit as she got hit in the back of her head.... She looks back to see Gwen had thrown a broken car door at her, and she growled in response. She turned from Miles, to Gwen's relief, but then she turned towards Gwen. Gwen knew she couldn't back down now, and she had to fight. But she knew she was in a bad spot. She could put her identity at risk, she knew her own body wasn't in the best condition either after catching an illness previously, and also her little injuries from Margo earlier. And she also knew she had to play it safe.... Or Miles there could be in danger. Since Margo didn't know it was Miles, she probably wouldn't hesitate to kill him if she had the chance. And whether Margo could kill Miles or not... she wasn't gonna risk that. Margo started shooting blasts at Gwen, who dodged them in her usual graceful style, to the annoyance of the magic girl. "Stay still and die!" She yelled at Gwen, who just kept jumping, and started throwing things at her whenever she had the chance, which infuriated her more. But on one hit..... The impact knocked Gwen off guard, throwing her onto the ground, and she could not react as Margo floated over and held her at the neck, and glared at her, looking at her like a predator to prey. The girl grinned crazily, and stared at Gwen, who was swinging her legs helplessly in an attempt to get out. "Finally," Margo Kess growled, and her hands glowed once again.

(Y'all don't understand how close this was going to be another cliffhanger. Y'all are lucky I decided against it.)

As her hands glowed again...


Spider-Man appeared, and tackled her to the ground

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Spider-Man appeared, and tackled her to the ground. Miles charged his blue blast, and sent Margo flying into the sky. He immediately went to check on Gwen, who was nursing her sore neck. Miles's masked eyes widened as she saw her leg.... Her shoe had been blown apart, and her leg was bloody and terribly injured. "Oh my god..." Miles muttered, looking at it. All Gwen could do was fight back tears of pain, the pain so agonizing she couldn't squeeze out the words she wanted to. Her eyes widened and she grabbed Miles's arm, and pushed him back. Miles looked confused, and then his senses rang. But they rang too late. A magic ring flew at his back.

Miles slammed into the pavement, causing a small crater in the ground where he fell. Margo Kess walked over and raised him up by the suit. Miles tried to spark energy in his hands, but he quickly stopped as patterns started forming on his hands.... He reached his limit. Miles let his head droop hopelessly as Margo laughed. "So let's see who's under that mask....." Margo's voice trailed off as she took off the mask, and she finally found out the identity of the so-called new 'Spider-Man' of the town

"It can't be" 

There we go! Margo finally finds out it's Miles...... how will she react? Will she kills Miles? Will she kill Gwen? Will she kill both? Or will she react differently? Find out next chapter!

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