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COMFORT. IT IS SOMETHING everyone should have access to. Not only access but rather the moment of feeling some type of comfort.

For you, it was a hard to find comfort.

You couldn't even find any comfort in your own home, your own bed. It was an atrocious feeling.

However, right now and just some time before.

You found your comfort. A warm feeling as pure softness was engulfing you, making it hard for you to believe that anything like this would be true. It felt too good to be true.

And so, you opened your eyes.

The sun was shining as bright as you had never seen before with warm rays hitting your face, making you squint your eyes due to them being so bright.

Turning around and scanning your surroundings, you slightly furrowed your eyebrows together as you were unfamiliar with the place you were currently at. You were in a room and it almost seemed like as if you were back in your high school days. After all, it gave you the feeling of staying at a dorm.

Everything was plain. Nothing was hanging on the walls, no decoration, just a plain room with a bed and a closet, as well as a table.

But even so, you felt at ease and comfort somehow.

Well, of course you did. It was your first night after a long time that you were able to sleep. A sleep that went on for hours, no disturbance or curses that mentally broke you with their fear, their anger, madness and cries.

You were at peace.

Sighing, you stood up, brushed away some hair that fell out of place and walked towards the door.

You obviously weren't dumb.

You knew that that teenager and that blindfolded man had taken you to this place. "Those assholes." You mumbled, clicking your tongue.

Walking out of the room you probably had the best sleep ever since, you proceeded to come in sight with a long hallway, countless of doors on each side of the walls. With that, you mentally confirmed that you indeed were currently residing in a dorm room. There were a lot of rooms, which could only mean that quite a lot of people were residing here.

"I feel disgusting." You mumbled, looking at the clothes you had on since yesterday. There were still blood stains on your skin and clothes.

You just wanted to take a shower and clean up.

Shaking your head, you began walking around trying to find the exit and leave this place once for all.

And as you came to find an exit, you rushed towards it, threw the doors open and stepped outside. "Finally.."

But it wasn't exactly an exit.

You came in sight with a huge garden, a field wide open that is adorned by countless of beautiful plants and flowers around. A small lake and bridge was there as well. It almost made you think that you were in a dream. Everything seemed just too perfect for your liking.

Sighing, you walked up to the open grass field and laid down on it, continuing to close your eyes.

"They got me.." A whisper escaped your lips as you followed up with a dry chuckle. "Fucking imbeciles."

"Now, now. Calling us imbeciles when we are the people that saved your life?" You felt the sun leaving you as a shadow was now casted upon you. "You really aren't that respectful, hm?"

"Being respectful to people that kidnapped you?" Your eyes remained closed as you put your forearm on them. "You're a clown, you blindfolded sick fuck."

"Woah! Colorful mouth right there."

"Where's the exit? I need to go home." You sighed, opening your eyes. "Like, right now."

"That won't be possible. You're under my care. Not that I actually want it this way, but what can you do? I'm just a man trying to fulfill his mission."

Frowning, you sat up, turned your back and looked at the blindfolded man that stood behind you.

He was grinning, however, you knew that what he said was something that he meant.

Neither you or Satoru want this.

"Your place is literally destroyed. What do you even want to do there?"

"Doesn't concern you." And with that, you walked away from him, hoping that you were walking into the right direction.

It was only when someone gripped your wrist that you stopped mid way.

And of course, it was him.

Turning around with a glare, you looked at the sorcerer holding you in place with obvious disgust. "Fuck off."

"You know.. You need to work on that mouth of yours. You'll get yourself in trouble with that."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"The person you need to listen to or you'll get yourself killed. How about that? Do you want to get killed by some no name? Die an embarrassing death, even though you could fight for yourself?"

"What even is your fucking problem?"

"You. You are my problem. I am stuck with some weakling like you. Someone who has cursed energy, but so little that you could die of a grade four curse. How about that? Do I look like a babysitter to you?" Satoru tightened the grip on your wrist as he leaned forward. "I got stuff to do, yet here I am having to look after you, because you're too weak to do so yourself."

"Born into such a powerful clan, yet here you are being useless. How come it was you that survived out of all people?"

Widening your eyes as a wave of shock and anger washed over you, you began clenching your jaw and deepen the glare towards the emotionless face of the male in front of you.

And as you were about to open your mouth and disrespect Satoru once again, you suddenly closed it shut and recollected yourself.

Once again you were looking as disinterested as ever. "I know what you're trying to do. It won't lead to anything."

"Aw, man! And here I thought it would work."

"Because you're so goddamn stupid."

Letting you go and moving away from your face, Satoru crossed his arms over his chest and began grinning. "We still have to work on that mouth of yours."

"Try me. I'm gone."

"You don't even know where we are. How will you get home? We're quite some time away from that place of yours."

"I don't need to explain myself to you."

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