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REMEMBERING WHAT EXACTLY HAD happened just a few days ago, when being introduced to domain expansions, was utterly hard.

You couldn't quite remember anything that had happened after you felt Satoru tap your shoulder. It was almost like as if a switch was turned within your mind.

And ever since then, you were out of it.

"Come on, (Y/n)! Ever since you came back from your little trip you've been completely out of it!" A groaning voice right next to you chimed.

You remained silent.

"Did something bad happen?" You felt a touch on your shoulder that stopped your from continuing your walk. "Did..—"

Turning your head slightly, you looked at the person next to you walking with dead eyes. "Oh my god.. Did you actually meet someone and now everything's down the drain?!"

You turned your head back to face forward.

"Why didn't you tell me?! You could've told me everything and I would have been there as your therapist!"

"Kagome," You lowly spoke, voice and tone as monotone as ever. "shut the fuck up, would you?"

Eyebrows raising, the black-haired girl retracted her hand from your shoulder and cleared her throat.

She knew she could be overwhelming sometimes and she most definitely knew how cold and heartless you actually could be.

But that's what made this friendship special.

She was the other half you needed.

To compensate for your coldness and non-existent feelings, there was Kagome always trying to cheer you up and be the the person to fill your imperfections, and make sure that you wouldn't have to feel like as if you would have any.

Well, you couldn't exactly describe it as imperfections but rather a lack of warmth within you.

She was the sun to your moon.

"Hmm," Her amber eyes did not move away from your side profile. "Do you want to talk about what really is going on with you?"

You flinched with your shoulders ever so slightly.

Kagome had always managed to read you like an open book. You didn't know if that would be something you can appreciate or if it would be a curse.

Her face broke out into a small smile.

"It's nothing." Your eyebrows furrowed together.

Shaking her head, Kagome brushed away a hair strand that had fallen in front of your face and put it behind your ear. "Come on, you know you can tell me."


"Is it about a boy?" Her voice was soft.

You hated how she always could be so calm, even now.

You shook your head as your answer.

"Is it about work?" Her touch was soothing.

You hated how she never judged you.

You shook your head as your answer.

"Is it about you?" Her face held sympathy.

You hated how she was everything you lacked.

You stood silent as your answer.


Feeling arms wrap around your figure and holding you tight made you break your emotionless gaze.

Teeth gritting against each other, you began clenching your fists.

Everything was starting to get to your head. You couldn't even explain the feelings you were currently going through and struggling with, but you for sure could say that they were bothersome and purely negative.

It wasn't even like you were crying. Hell, you couldn't even remember the last time you had cried.

Ever since you stepped foot into the jujutsu world, everything came down onto you and you felt like suffocating.

"You now," Kagome laid her head on top of yours. "you aren't obligated to keep everything bottled up within you. You can talk (Y/n). Talk to me. You know that I would always be with you, no matter what happens."

"After all, aren't you my soulmate?" She continued with a lighthearted chuckle. "Platonic of course."

But you remained quiet.

It wasn't unusual for you to stay quiet in situations like these. After all, one of your biggest problems was talking about your feelings and emotions.

You just couldn't do it.

"I'm being pestered by a clown and someone with split personalities." You mumbled.

Letting you go, Kagome tilted her head and looked at you with raised eyebrows and widened eyes. That was sudden. Well, she didn't expect you to say literally anything as you had never, but character development was always welcomed.

And upon hearing your sudden exclamation, the black-haired woman broke out into a fit of laughter. The corners of her eyes began crinkling ever so slightly as a wide smile was displayed on her face.

"How? When you're at the office?" She couldn't contain herself. "Is that why you always work from home?"

"..I guess."

"Oh come on, (Y/n)! You could've called me and I would've sent them six feet under! No one messes with you, not under my watch."

"You're cringe, Kagome. It's making me sick."

Grinning brightly, amber eyes began sparkling at you. "There she is! The (Y/n) I know and love."

"I'm not interested in you that way."

Now frowning, Kagome turned around with arms crossed over her chest and began walking ahead of you. "Never meant it like that anyway."

It was unbelievable how someone like her would be able to change your mood in an instant. Even after you would be fighting your demons on your own.

You could be the most lost person on earth and Kagome would always manage to make you think about something else. Something that wouldn't be destroying you mentally.

She was the only person you let in so far.

And you most definitely didn't regret that decision. It was also because of her that you managed to pull through after everything that had been going on with you and your mind. No one knew what exactly had happened or caused you the beginning of your downfall where you were trapped inside a hole you couldn't get out of.

But even if you wouldn't tell her the reasons and faults of why you were acting the way you were, Kagome had always welcomed you with open arms. She was your light. She was your sun.

And you wouldn't know what to do if you hadn't met her ever since.

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