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LIVE IN THE PRESENT, not the past. A sentence to be uttered so easily, yet so hard to fully adapt to.

To move on from something that has heavily impacted and damaged one can't be done as easily as it's said.

After you had fully stepped inside your dorm room and proceeded to close the door as Satoru left you silent, an utter mess of silence within your head coming up.

It was true. So true.

Satoru of course had managed to look right through your façade and confronted you about your behavior. It wasn't even like as if you were wanting to be like this.

You had changed. You knew.

But not all people remain the same, it was part and the cycle of life, right?

It had been the first time you were confronted with your behavior and that a certain something was bothering you, being the main reason for your coldness and non-existent feelings. Never did you think it would lead up to this point, where someone told you something of such major meaning and importance that it managed to break through. Finally. Break through you.

How pitiful and pathetic. You couldn't think about anything else except that, upon connecting those words with you and your current state.

You were a strong-headed person and not to have your shell broken by words or even any physical and mental pain, but it was your only soft spot.

And Satoru managed to hit it. Without knowing.

And you hated it. You hated the feeling of him being right with you and the feeling of being confronted with his exclamation — his advice on life. You hated how.. how he was exactly right.

Swallowing thickly, chest feeling heavy, you proceeded to bite down onto your lower lip as you clenched your fists.

Let go.

Let them go.

Let it go.

You should've been in the position to start a new chapter on your life a long long time ago, but it was yourself that had hindered you from doing exactly so. And here it had gotten to the point, where you did nothing your whole life except wasting it. Wasting nothing but your precious lifetime.

"Fuck him.." Your voice wasn't anywhere near above a broken whisper.

And so.. it began.

Your mind started to become fully filled with memories of past times you desperately had tried to forget about. Move on... who would've thought that a sentence like this would be the trigger of you and your downfall. It was almost like as if you had been reliving your past twenty-six years of living within a mere few minutes.

You felt like drowning. Drowning in an abyss of nothing but headaches and heartaches.

It was all so indescribable.

Live on. It's what they all said. But how could you? How could you live on and make something positive out of your life, if it all had been strapped away from you? How could you live on, if just a mere sentence like that had burned into your mind and burdened you for life?

You couldn't.

And because of that you didn't know if you should, or should've lived in nothing but purely regret. Because it was you — it was you that had been given another chance of life.

Another chance. However, you threw that away.

But just once. Just this once you were finally asking yourself after countless of years of living in hidden pain and conflicts with yourself — after finally breaking down and loosening the walls around you — Can you been given another chance? Just one more?

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