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FINALLY ARRIVING AT YOUR destination, you came in sight with the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School after taking an uber.

You had to walk a little now on your own as the school was more likely hidden to one's eyes and knowledge of outsiders.

The thing was though, the more you stepped inside and further into the school, you came in sight with destroyed buildings and a heavy feeling consuming you.

Just what happened while you were gone?

The event surely had been crashed by some outsiders or the students just went at it, however, you couldn't decipher the reason to how it exactly was possible as the school was much more hidden and had a barrier to ensure nothing such as that possibly could happen.

Master Tengen's barrier should've kept them, right?

But this much damage?

You'd been gone for merely a day.

"Ah! Finally our devil decided to come back and accompany us!" You sighed as you heard an obvious sarcastic tone within the voice chiming next to you. "You quite of missed a lot."

"I can tell."

Frowning, Satoru turned to you and crossed his arms over his chest. "No need to be such a know-it-better."

You remained silent, looking straight ahead and trying to understand what exactly had happened.

Satoru noticed your slightly furrowed eyebrows and you intently trying to analyze the situation from his peripheral vision.

Grabbing your arm, the white-haired male then teleported away from the entrance of the school and brought you to the front door of your dorm.

"Curses attacked us. Somehow someone managed to cast a veil over the school and event so I wouldn't be able to enter."

You couldn't even listen to Satoru speaking.

Due to him teleporting you and him away without any notice, you felt a wave of a heavy headache storm your head. You probably jinxed it with the way you had to lie to Kagome about a certain headache.

"It's not that bad." You finally heard him somewhat clearly. "Stop exaggerating." A stern tone was in his voice.

Not once had you heard Satoru talking to someone the way he had been talking to you ever since you stayed at the school under his wing. It even quite of shocked you that it was possible, with the way he was so carefree and childish with each and everyone around.

But why exactly had it to hit you?

Not that you cared or anything, but why?

Well, you hated that man as much as he hated you, if not even worse, it was just something that sparked to your interest within you. What exactly made him switch up his opinion on you? Sure, you had quite a colorful mouth, as well as vocabulary and spoke what's on your mind without a filter, openly admitted to hating jujutsu sorcerers with everything you had, made somewhat jokes about Yūji's death, lied about your cursed energy, lied about your life, lied about your existence, lied about— well, the list goes on, but still, how and why?

"Get inside." You felt Satoru push your forehead back with his index finger. "Tomorrow is the second day of the event. A baseball match. You probably wouldn't want to participate, but at least go watch the kids."

"What do I even gain from watching your stupid game?" You frowned.

Shrugging, Satoru put both of his hands into his pockets. "Nothing beneficial." He turned his face to the side, remaining uninterested. "But maybe you could drop your 'I-don't-give-a-fuck' mentality and just move on. We both know that there's something more behind your façade."

"Why do you even care?" You started to raise your voice, making it obvious that Satoru's statement finally made you crumble and irritated. He managed to throw off your usual demeanor, not even trying to piss you off on purpose. "You fucking know noth—"

Although you were pretty much boiling with irritation and wanted to verbally kill the man in front of you, he beat you to it by turning to face you once again with an emotionless gaze and opened his mouth to speak.

"I know that I don't know anything about what's going on in that stupid head of yours and I don't actually want to, if I'm being honest. I actually don't care what's going on with you, but if you take out your irritation and hatred on the people around you — my students, that will be the point I care. Not particularly about you but the others."

It was as clear as water.

Understanding Satoru and what he actually meant wasn't something that you struggled with. You most definitely knew and could understand where exactly he was coming from, but even then, did you really care?

A question you weren't quite certain of the answer to.

You were in no relationship of any sort with any of the sorcerers you came across ever since staying at the school. Although it weren't many, Satoru, Shōko, Megumi, Yūji and Masamichi being it, you thought that it would be enough to you. After all, they were sorcerers, meaning that they were the same. The same as those people.

Why couldn't you just go back to your normal life? Despite it being a "fake" life you were leading, well, the one you adapted to, you couldn't help but to yearn for it back. It may have been boring, so much boring, but you couldn't care about that. You even ignored the curses in your home, not asking someone for help with the exorcism of them as you didn't want to have anything to do with the jujutsu world.

But it just all had to be ruined by some random fifteen-year old. Megumi.

Everything you had built, a barrier and wall you built around yourself just started to crumble within minutes, hours and days. Something you managed to keep up for years and not even Kagome being able to break — so how?

You asked yourself that almost everyday.



It was an awful feeling. As if you didn't have enough time spent with that feeling. There wasn't a particular way or one single adjective to describe your feeling. Was it something within you of fear? Hesitance? Hatred? Something agonizing? You couldn't describe it, and you probably thought you ever wouldn't be able to describe it.

After all, everyone was just big talk.

Nothing to be concerned about.

Nothing to take into consideration.

Everyone is the same. Sorcerers are the same.

May they burn to ashes. Fire. Heat. Burn. Well, on one thing you were as clear as the night sky. They all should just perish. Brutally.

"Stop living in the past and move on to what it is now, the present."

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