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A FEW DAYS HAD passed and you were still remaining at, what you now knew, the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.

What a weird name.

You were thinking that way ever since.

Luckily, a certain white-haired male didn't bother you anymore and let you be. His only rule was to stay at the school and to not leave this place or else you would face some problems.

He even made you promise that you would stay.

You promised.

However, you did not care about anything like that at all. And so, here you were, walking through the remains of what seemed to be your living room.

If those curses that were in your place weren't that strong, then how did your apartment end up in ruins?

Almost all of your furniture was broken. Glass shards were all over the place, as well as stains of what you remembered was your blood. You most definitely couldn't go back here. You now actually had to find a new place.

And you were dreading the idea.

It was just too time consuming.

"I probably should just stay there until I find a new place. Gotta use them the best as I can somehow." You mumbled under your breath, thinking about the multiple ways you could exploit the sorcerers.

Walking to your room, you then took out a suit case that you had lying around and began to pack a few clothes and necessities for your little trip.

You knew that your stay would take some time.

Having everything important packed, something that took quite some time, which you didn't anticipate for it to be so long, you closed the suitcase and walked back to your front door.

Well, the remains of it.

And just as you were about to leave, something stopped you from doing so. It was almost like as if your feet were glued to the ground.

That something didn't want you to leave.

And you knew exactly what it was.

You felt hot all of the sudden, making you exhale loudly and walk back to your room. You could move around your place freely, however, as soon as you try to leave the apartment, you would be stopped.

Somewhere in the last bits of corners within a hidden place, you took something out of its place and clenched your jaw.

'Why did it have to come to this?' You thought, feeling your chest tighten. 'I swore I wouldn't..'

"It was inevitable." You let out a dry laugh. "It was bound to happen sooner or later.."

Standing up, you made your way once again back to the front door and took your suitcase with you. And who would've thought? You were able to leave without any problems.

Well, maybe you had some minor problems.

One being currently in front of you.

There he stood, that raven-haired teenager that you had met just about a week ago. And he surely wasn't looking too amused.

"What do you think you're doing?" His cold voice chimed, making you groan. "You aren't allowed to leave the school."

Not batting him an eye further, you turned around and walked away from the high schooler and completely ignored him.


Feeling his presence behind you, you cursed under your breath as you noticed Megumi follow you.

Maybe he was your biggest problem.

Bigger than Satoru.

"Gojō-Sensei asked you to stay at the school and you promised to fulfill the rules, if he would stop pestering you. And what are you doing? You're doing the exact opposite of what you told us. Not only are you a disrespectful person in every way, no— you're also a filthy liar."

Remaining disinterested wasn't hard for you.

It wasn't like as if that would be the worst thing you have ever heard someone say to you.

"And what even are you doing? Don't even think about running away." Megumi grabbed your arm forcefully and turned you around, making you drop the object you held onto. "What..? What is tha—"

"First things first, you fucking brat, I do not care for anything about that shitty school, you or that blindfolded clown— get that straight. Secondly, promises are meant to be broken, so don't get me started with such childish shit. And thirdly, touch me again and I might as well have to rip out your vocal cords."

Frowning, the raven-haired male began glaring at you. Who were you to talk to him like that?

Although he didn't appreciate you acting so disrespectful and annoying, Megumi couldn't help but to think about that thing that fell to the ground. He knew it wasn't something that would be of no importance, no. He felt it. Something was up with not only you, but that object as well.

It looked like a book, a pretty old one to that.

But he knew it was something more than that.

Trying to pick up the book from the ground, something Megumi understood almost immediately you didn't like, he started to click his tongue and hiss in pain as you kicked his wrist away.

"Don't you dare touch that, brat."

"What is that?"

"Wouldn't you like to know? It doesn't concern you in the slightest bit, now fuck off, would you?"

Clenching his jaw and fists, Megumi felt anger bubble up within him. You were nothing but audacity. How come people like you even exist?

It was almost like as if you were a curse.

Pushing you away, something that you didn't think he would do and making you stumble back, Megumi began reaching for the book.

You did nothing.

You just watched him with an emotionless gaze.

Megumi of course noticed that, but didn't pay any attention to you and your reaction. After all, he was so sure you were hiding something important from him with this book.

And the moment the high schooler picked up the book, a feeling so heavy washed over him that it felt like as if he would suffocate any given moment.

And so, it began.

"May you suffer, sorcerer."

Megumi couldn't let the book go. It felt like as if it was glued to his hands. And not only was it that suffocating feeling and pressure he felt, only a few moments later his hands began to burn as well.

Fire. It felt like pure fire. No, it felt much hotter.

He felt like dying.

And you didn't do anything.

You stood right in front of the fifteen-year old, nothing to read on your face whatsoever and stared at him with no empathy, sympathy or guilt.


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