Chapter 7

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Alya's POV

I cannot believe that Mari-trash is hurting Lila all the time.

Thank God she at least tells me and our friends if she does something bad to her, so then at least we give her a payback, whether it is by telling someone, or simply taking the matter into our own hands.

None of the teachers or the staff of the school listen to us, and every time we tell them what Mari-trash did to our poor Lila, they ask us for proof or simply ignore us. WHAT KIND OF A TEACHER DOES THAT!?!

The one that knows who Lila actually is.


And why Nino is on that brat's side? I cannot believe he would break up with me for that waste of space.


"Alya, we need to talk." Nino went up to me, while I was sitting with my bestie, Lila, recording about her visit to England to meet Queen Elizabeth II and her family.

"Not now, Nino. I am taking an interview with Lila. This is really important."

Nino looked pissed and sad about me snapping back to him, but that's what he gets for interrupting my recording.

"Fine, I just wanted to say that you and I are over."

"Alright. I don't care." I didn't take notice of what he said, after a few seconds. I turned around and run to Nino. "Wait a second! What do you mean that we are over?"

He turned around with his not-caring look. "Now you care? But besides that, I want to break up with you. I wish you well, but I can't be with you anymore."

My eyes started to water. "W-What do you m-mean that we c-can't be together? WHAT DID I DO!?!"

I shouted that part, bringing some attention to other people in the cafeteria. Nino didn't flinch at any of this and took this casually, way more casual than ever.

"Why on Earth do you want to break up with me now? Is it because of Marinette? Did that brat say something to you..."

"This what you are doing right now is one of the reasons. Before Lila came, you and Marinette were inseparable, and you and I cared for each other. Now, you are hurting my childhood friend, who I treat like my sister. And you are mistreating me, including what you did a bit ago."

I am trying to contain myself from crying. He is breaking up with me because Mari told him so.

Are you that stupid?

"I am sorry, but you aren't now the person I fell in love with before. And everything would have been done casually if you have at least a bit cared about us, not just about 'lIla, ThE wOnDeRfUl PeRsOn'. Goodbye."

I was hurt when he did that. But thank God it is over because now I can keep building my Ladyblog without him being selfish and trying to ruin this for me.

But aside from that, I got to the bus, where I met up with my bestie, Lila, and her boyfriend, Adrien. "Hey, Girl. I guess that you cannot wait to see your childhood best friend."

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