Chapter 36

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Over 250 stars? Are we aiming for 1k stars or what?

Sometime before

Alix's POV

Finally, it is Sunday! Tomorrow will be the end of that Liar's career, as well as those bunch of sheep. They will get what they deserve.

Over the time when Max and I were at the hospital, we filled out plenty of documents, I mean, I did this while Max was recovering, which made my hand in pain and exhaustion. We were dealing with the final stuff we needed for the ceremony, which were the lawsuits, evidence, and restraining order documents. You know to whom those are for.

Now, we have everything for tomorrow, but we have to add about Rose, so I might talk to Juleka about it. But I am not thinking about that, because we are on our last trip, and I want to enjoy it as much as possible before our return to France.

I am looking at the histories behind the photos, which is very interesting for me. My dad and I can talk all week about what I discovered in China, and even properly introduce Max to him as my boyfriend.

Speaking of my smartie, when I was looking at one of the photos in the gallery, I felt him hugging me from behind while kissing my cheek. What a romantic guy he is. He soon let me go and I was facing him with a smile.

"Hey, my smartie. What do you think of this trip so far?"

"Eh. It is 78% satisfactory, but with you by the side, we can say that it increased by 89%." It was when Max moved his head closer for a quick but passionate kiss...


Oh, god. Guess who is coming over. I give you clues. Tabloid, tantrum, and the stupid fox.


"You left for some time, were overhearing our conversations, and now you are grossing all of us out by making out like that!?! You don't have to show everyone what kind of a w**** you are!"

"Oh, f*** off finally, you Tabloid type Wannabe Reporter!!" I shouted at her, grabbing other people's attention, but I am not taking any damn right now about it.

"Exactly, Alya! And how dare you call her like that?"

"Because it is true! You don't have to show the whole world that you are a ridiculous couple!"

Alya is seriously throwing a tantrum worse than ever, and now that we know what it is about, we are boiling in anger. She isn't just complaining about us being here. She is complaining about us being together.

"At least Alix doesn't treat me like trash. I am surprised Nino had to survive with your tantrums."

That made Alya flinch badly. Her eyes definitely say that we are dead meat, but it is not like her tantrum voice and her tabloid talking can defeat us. But she should have shut up and left.

"I don't care about that gay traitor! He should have changed his mind while he could. I regret dating him at all!"

I smirked at what she said. She must have forgotten what she told our former girl group back when we were still together.

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