Chapter 23

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Mari’s POV

When I said that I will skip a few tour activities, I meant it seriously. Chloe and I didn’t come back to the hotel as well.

Our friends, especially Alix, come over when the tours aren’t on and either tell us what happened there, give us souvenirs that I wanted to collect, or simply hang out together.

It is right now Thursday, and I skipped five activities, and the sixth one will be on in the afternoon. I am debating whether to go or not since the next tour activity is at Disneyland Park, and I love those kinds of places. Lila, Alya, Kim, Adrien, and Ivan won’t be there, but others will be, and I don’t know what they will do to me.

I am right now in my garden, sketching some designs in my book. I decided to redo my galaxy-themed designs that I had done many years ago, this time doing the Chinese-style outfits. After all, I have outfits to make for me and my friends since they paid me earlier on. I already finished all of the Zhongshan suits for the boys, except Astral, and Shanique. I insisted that I would make her the outfit for free since she saved me. She gratefully thanked me for that.

I have a problem choosing a design for both me and Astral, mainly because I have a serious problem on my mind. Thanks to my mother.


It is my first day since I skipped the tour. Alix texted me that they are visiting the museum where the history of my family is. She also said that Lila is lying non-stop about them, which made me pissed off, but she cheered me up when she said that Max is recording all of this for later.

I am with Chloe in the living room, watching all of the Avenger-type movies. We are not in the mood to do anything fun due to yesterday’s incident.

It was when my mum and dad came to the living room but with serious looks on their faces, meaning something important they want to say. “Hey, sweetheart. Can we talk for a second?”

“Should I leave?”

“No, you can stay if you want, Chloe.” My mum said as she sat down beside me and grabbed my hand lightly. “We want to talk about the tradition our family has run through many generations. It is important to follow it before you become the leader of China.”

“Oh… what is it?” I am not catching up with what they mean, but Chloe’s look made it even more confusing.

“Well… you don’t have to worry about that now since you are still a young lady, but before you will be crowned as an empress, you will need to find an emperor.”  My eyes slowly widened at what my mum meant by that.

“So this means you will need a betrothed to rule with you China, later on, pigtails.”


I cannot believe it. I don’t know what to say. I mean, it is a traditional thing, but I mean, I don’t have a partner yet! Thank God at least my parents don’t force me to be with one of those princes. I won’t stand that at all.

I thought about it for some time. I don’t even know who I want to date…

“Hey, Mei.” I jumped when I heard Astral calling me. That surprised me a lot.

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