Chapter 24

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I found this image of Alix, so I thought to add it here.

Mari's POV

Once Astral finished telling their story, I was awestruck. The words they used are very romantic and breathtaking. I don't know what to say, yet I spoke anyway my opinion about this story.

"When Alix and Max hear that, they will say that this is 104% better than Romero and Juliet's story. You are very great at writing! Especially narrative poetry!"

I saw Astral blushing at the compliment, and I blushed as well. We are staring at each other as we share a cute little smile. They grabbed lightly my chin and cupped my cheek. Their hands are a bit cold, but mainly because my cheeks are heating up like crazy.

I looked at their eyes- I mean their eye and eye-patch. I am still wondering why they are wearing one, but I don't want to ask that yet. I am focusing on the fact that they are slowly leaning towards me, and I couldn't help but do the same thing. I want their lips to meet with mine, but suddenly...

"YOU ARRIVED AT YOUR DESTINATION!-" The GPS screamed, scaring us instantly.

"Sorry about that. But we are here at Disneyland Park." Nooroo got out of the limo and went to open the door for us.

Meanwhile, Astral and I waited awkwardly in the car. I don't know what to say. I wanted them to kiss me. What is wrong with me?

You're in Love.


Why does everyone have to say that?


"Here you go, Mei." Nooroo opened the door for me and Astral to come out. They got off first and offered a hand to help me come out. As we went out and walked inside Disneyland, we saw my friends and another class waving at us and cheering. I was shocked that there weren't any glares from my class, but I brushed that off.

Once we reached up to my group, Alix and Chloe hugged me tightly. "We thought that you won't come over."

"Are you kidding me? To miss the Disney trip? Me? Never!" We all laughed at that before I was greeted by the rest of my group. But I saw Max and Alix at the side, looking concerned about something, but I didn't pay a lot of attention to that.

Once we dealt with the line and the ticket thing, we finally entered the amusement park. And this place may not be as big as Disney World, but it is still very impressive.

"Woah! That place is awesome!"

"And magical!"

"I agree with that!"

We all agreed that we would start going in small groups to look around. Astral told me that they have to go somewhere really quick and that we will meet up at Tomorrowland in a bit. Alix and Max also disappeared somewhere, but I am not going to question that.

I went with Chloe, Mochi, and Nino first went to the Garden of Imagination to look around. It is indeed magical, especially the Disney Castle.

Sucks though that I can't stop thinking about what happened back then at the limo.


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