Chapter 10

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Mr. High-Road-Not-Today's POV

I cannot believe that Marinette is bullying Lila because she wants me.

I cannot believe that my best friend, Nino, is avoiding me and Alya like we were trash.

And I cannot believe that Marinette is hanging out with that guy! Astral or whatever his name is. Thank god he isn't here right now.

If she accepted the fact that Lila is better than her, she would have still been respected by us, which is the best thing ever to happen, and she would have had a better life with us. All she had to do is be nicer to Lila and make for us those freebies she always did.

Are you serious right now, bro?


Right now, Marinette wants to fake that she is rich by stealing Lila's limo. WHAT KIND OF SICK PERSON DOES THAT!?!

The person who ACTUALLY owns this limo.


"Jesus Christ. You are, in a nice term, A BLOODY JERK!" Star then left the chat.


"MARINETTE!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TO STEAL LILA'S LIMO!?!" Alya shouted at Marinette and her friends as they were about to go into the limo.

"Marinette! You can't steal Lila's limo! You are seriously that jealous of her to do that? Then you are for sure sick in the head." I shouted at her as well. Maybe she will finally stop that act and properly think.

I then noticed Nino trying to shout something, but Marinette stopped him from doing so. "Guys, go to the limo. I will handle that this time."

The group went to the limo and Marinette stood there like she wants to get over this. "Nooroo. Can you please tell me who this limo is for to everyone over here?"

It was when the driver of the limo came out and took a megaphone out of nowhere. "ATTENTION! THIS LIMO THAT I DROVE IN IS FOR MISS MARINETTE AND HER FRIENDS. THE REST OF YOU LOT ARE GOING WITH DUSUU TO THE BUS! THANK YOU!"

"But how on Earth Mari-trash is that rich to even rent a limo!?! She is the poor baker's child!" Alya defended herself with those facts. I mean, Marinette isn't rich, only poor.


"That is true!"

"ENOUGH!!!" It was when Miss Bustier had it and shouted at everyone, making all of us shocked. To a teacher to shout at us isn't what she is supposed to do. "Everyone get into the bus. NOW!"

We all went to the bus, and since the other class was there early, they grabbed the best seats first, especially the five seats at the back, which Aurore, Mirelle, Wayham, Zoe, and the other person from their class took.

Lila looked furious at that, and I am as well since Alya, Lila, Kim, Max, and I could have sat there altogether. So we walked over there to convince them to move.

"Excuse me, you don't mind if we take those seats? I have that kind of condition where I need to be at the back."


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