Chapter 33

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I started my first day of school, so that's why there aren't too many updates. Sorry about that.


Nino’s POV

Why do I have a bad feeling that something will happen today on the tour? Like not something good, but something extremely bad, which is unexpected, stupid, and backstabbing?

I just woke up in my hotel room with a sore head, the same outfit as yesterday, and a seriously bad feeling today. I got up though and got changed into something fancy but casual since we will be going to visit the castle soon.

I noticed Nath and Marc still sleeping, with Marc having his head on Nath’s chest while hugging. That alerted me to be quiet, so I just left the room, leaving a note as well saying where I am if they need me. I decided to go grab breakfast. I don’t need to rush since it is right now the time 8 am, and the tour starts at 9.30 am.

Once I grabbed my breakfast from the cooks, I went to sit down. All of my friends were possibly asleep or getting ready, so I sat down alone and turned on some music on my headphones. I needed to think to myself a few things.

I found out that my parents and my younger brother, Chris, will arrive this afternoon, and after the tour, I can go and see them. This means that I am not coming back to France for a while.

A lot of things happened during this trip. I got a boyfriend. I found out about Alix and Max. My little sister friend has a partner, who I am keeping an eye on from time to time, just in case they do something to Mei. But the biggest thing that happened for me is that I am finally dating after two years of being single after the breakup…

“Good morning, My favorite DJ.” I just noticed that Mochi, while holding his breakfast, sat down beside me. I turned off the music and smiled as I looked at him. I instantly noticed that he tied his hair back into a small messy bun and had a few strands on his face.

“Good morning, my favorite genius. I love how you did your hair.” I gave a kiss on his cheek, making him blush. That caught some people’s attention, but I didn’t care.

“Thanks, man. Are you OK though? You seem very focused, but you aren’t usually.” I rolled my eyes playfully at that but answered anyway.

“Nah, I am alright. Just a few things on my mind, that’s all.”

“What’s on your mind, man?” He somehow grabbed my head onto his shoulder, while he took my hat off.

“Well… I have a bad feeling that something wrong will happen. You know, today.”

“And why’s…” He froze for some reason before he could finish his sentence. “Well… now I see why.”

When I got my head off his shoulder, I saw what he meant by this. Alya is walking towards us with an annoyed and furious look on her face. Seems like somebody is jealous.

“Oh boy, that witch- I mean Alya is coming over.”

“Nino! What on Earth are you doing? You are acting stupid right now.”

“If you are talking about yourself, then yes, I can agree on that.” Mochi snapped back, making Alya flinch.

“I didn’t come to see you. I came over to talk to Nino.” I looked at her with an annoyed look. “Privately.”

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