Chapter 41

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Mei's POV

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is the moment they knew, they f***ed up.

Shush, Star. The ceremony is on, and my speech is about to start!

You know what to say?

I... I have a basic plan and I will go with the flow.

Ok. Good luck.

I watched after Star's and my mind conversation how everyone's, including the eighth-grade students', expressions are priceless. I just walked beside my parents, and everyone knew that Lila's life was now over.

Speaking of her, she has an extremely pale face that she could compare herself to a piece of paper. All eyes are now on her and she froze instantly. Especially one former proper reporter.

"Y-You lied?" That was all that Alya could say right now.

"We trusted you!"

"Horrendous mistake, you imbeciles," Kagami shouted from the balcony, with Juleka and Shanique beside her, but Shanique had one arm wrapped around Juleka from behind as she played with her hair.

"Yeah, you ridiculously think that what? That fantasy world with unicorns and fairies exist? That is as fake as her lies!" Chloe shouted, making Rose the most flinch from that. "You were just dumb to not fact-check the sources! Alya Cesaire!"

Alya froze as she knew the attention was on her. For the first time, she fact-checks Lila's claims, not like me as the princess isn't enough evidence of Lila's ability to lie. And eventually, after two minutes, she had fire in her eyes, which were striking at Lila.


"I lost my girlfriend!" Kim and Rose shouted at the same time.

"Our future careers are at stake!" Sabrina screamed.

None of the sheep are happy about the truth being exposed and realizing that their future is at stake. Not even one dense blonde boy is satisfied with the truth.

"Why would you do that, Marine-"

"It's Meixiu! Princess Meixiu! Princess of China! And not even you can boss me around like that!"

"You should have taken the high road! Not bragging about your fake life!"

Everyone practically froze from what Adrien said. He doesn't seem that he is digging deeper into his hole with his shovel, and the fact that someone with his wife stood a few feet away, is about to throw him personally into that hole.

"So Lila can brag about her fake life, while the actual princess can't talk about her real life?" Everyone's eyes widened at one guy with his wife, walking up towards Adrien, furious.


"Yes! That's him! You're welcome!" Kagami shouted again and thanks to Trevor, she had a mic to spare her energy from shouting. "I am not done yet, but Mei's speech is now, so I will shut up."

"Thanks, Kagami," I spoke, gaining everyone's attention again. I am freaking out mentally, but Astral moved beside me and touched me with their hand, assuring me that everything will be ok. I took my breath and spoke.

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