Chapter 19

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I can't find any good fanart that relates to this chapter so here is Nino and Mari instead.

Nino’s POV

I have a boyfriend! I cannot believe it!

Yep. Where have you been since those few chapters?

Shush, dudette.

Anyway, Mochi and I are together, and I am extremely happy about it! That was unexpected that day, but I am not complaining about it. The only thing I regret is that we haven’t become a couple earlier.

I am sad though about one thing. Marinette. She told us that she needed a break from everything so she will spend time with her parents.

It wasn't as cheerful yesterday during arcades as it would have been with Marinette, but the bright sides are that Mochi beat Max in a game, which made them very competitive when it comes to games, and that those sheep didn’t bother us that day at all.

I am with Mochi, Chloe, Alix, Max, Nath, and Marc in our room getting ready for the tour. Alix is finishing off Max’s box braids, surprisingly knowing how to do so. Marc and Nath are working on an idea board for their new comic book. And Mochi is watching the Wednesday Adams series with me.

The only bad thing about here is that the atmosphere is not as cheerful right now. Marinette hasn’t given us a sign of her coming back to the tour. I don’t blame her because today she’s meeting the princes. I told others about it yesterday, so they aren’t surprised about her absence.

I noticed though Alix’s facial expression while doing Max’s hair. She is very sad and possibly about Marinette’s absence. I decided to check myself.

“Hey, Alix, dudette. Are you ok? You seem sad.” Alix stopped spacing out while doing her boyfriend’s hair and looked at me.

“I am… not ok. It is just… It’s because… It is about Mari.” Everyone is looking at Alix while she doesn’t look at us when she continues doing Max’s hair. “I feel like it is my fault that she left for a few days. I never told you guys about my relationship with Max, and I feel that she wasn’t very happy that she didn’t know about it before.”

“Alix. This is ridiculous, she would never hate you. She doesn’t have the heart to hate anyone. Besides, Max isn’t as brainless as anyone else in our class.” Everyone looked at Chloe when she said that. “Well, except us of course.”

“Look, Alix. I can 98.78% confirm that Chloe is right. I am sure that when we will see her at the tour then she will hug you, happy to see us again.” Max comforted Alix as she finished the final braid.

“Thanks, Smartie. And… done! What do you think?” Max looked at the mirror as he saw the braids Alix did.

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