Chapter 38

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Mari's POV

"Are you ready for tomorrow, Mei?"

This question has been playing in my head since Astral asked me that.

I am now lying in my bed, looking at the ceiling, questioning this question that is considered as a question that is either a rhetorical question or a question, but it is more likely a question, question, meaning that this question wants me to answer if I am ready.

Goddammit, Mei. Grab a break. Go for a walk. Do something else or else people in Wattpad will get bored.

Fine. I will go for a walk.

I went out of my room. It is almost nine in the evening, so I must be a bit quieter than always. I walked out of the castle and headed to the garden I always sit in when I want to be alone. The same one on the last day I spent proper time with my mum.

I still remember how I used to play with the dolls the last day I was there. I had my Ladybug doll while my mum had a Mr. Pigeon doll. Fun fact is that my mum took all night to make a Ladybug doll for me. That was the only thing I had when I came to Paris, and it was that time when I made more villain-type dolls. I scrapped the Chat Noir doll as he had a big hole in his head...

It was the big moment I heard a noise like someone was there. I got into my fighting pose while grabbing my katana I brought just in those cases.

"So, my sweetheart does know how to fight then. You for sure got that from your father." I loosened up as soon as I realized that it was just my mum coming towards me.

"Ah. It was just you. I thought that it was an intruder."

"An intruder in a place where all guards stand in their positions very often and where all the gates are closed? That would be as Max would say, 98.26% unlikely."

"But still 1.74% chances to be likely." My mum looked impressed at my math skills. "Got that from you, mum."

"Well, I can't say no to that. You indeed have intelligence from me, not from Plagg." My mum and I sat down at the small concrete staircase path before she took something out of nowhere. "I thought that you wanted to see that before tomorrow."

She passed me my Ladybug doll, only it was different. She has the same dress I will be wearing tomorrow and has a mask in the same color as the outfit.

"Thanks, Mum. But you know that I am not a kid anymore, right? I am too old for toys."

"Well, no one is too old to have a small doll plush that inspired you to make outfits and toys out of really good material. The dresses and outfits you made are very impressive. I am proud of you."

I looked down as my mum grabbed me into a light hug. "What is going on in your head, sweetie? I know when you are sad about something that I wish what it is that is making you sad."

"Well... I am worried, Mum." My mum is still hugging me as I am talking to her. "I am worried about tomorrow. I don't know if I am ready to become the princess again. What if others will still bully me and claim that I am a fake princess, or..."

"I don't want you to be stressed out about that brat. She already made you insecure about your outfit style, to speak out your opinion, and to have the right to say no. She tried to ruin you, but you are still standing. This shows your confidence, strength, and bravery. You've always been a princess by the title, but that isn't the most important about tomorrow."

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