Chapter 25

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Moment before

Luka's POV

When Kagami and I were relaxing on my boathouse, my dad burst into my room, shouting that Marinette was in trouble on Monday. We were both shocked about it and agreed to go to China early.

We took off on Thursday because we couldn't get out earlier from our schools, but it is better than nothing.

My dad flew us with his girlfriend, Penny, my mum, Kagami's mum, Clara Nightingale, Gabriele Agreste with his wife, Natalie, Dupain-Cheng's, Anciel's, and Prince Ali with Mari's dad helicopters, while some other guests are taking the plane and will be there on Monday during the ceremony. I won't spoil who though because it is a gift for Marinette.

When we landed in the morning, the leaders of China got me and Kagami, with our parents and their relatives, to the castle to stay for a few days. Others found a five-star hotel to stay at.

We were bored waiting for others to come back, and since we had nothing to do now, Kagami and I decided to surprise others by arriving at Disneyland.

When we arrive, we realize that we are earlier than them. Well, more time for us. We went on a few rides until I got a message, which was from Astral.

Astral: Hey, Luka. I need help with something. Can we video chat?

Luka: We were supposed to surprise you with our visit. We are in China.

Astral: Oh Cool. Can we meet up to chat?

Luka: Sure.

We waited for a bit at Tomorrowland, until Astral arrived. We chuckled at their Micky mouse ears, and they rolled their eyes playfully. "H-hey, guys. I-I told M-Mei to m-meet u-up in a bit here."

"But we still have time though to help you out with whatever you need." Astral sat down opposite from us as my girlfriend spoke. "Anyway, what do you need help with?"

"W-Well, i-it is hard t-to explain, b-but I will t-try anyway." Astral is trying to talk properly, but I can feel the melody and how they are playing love music, which reminds me of Marinette.

"You like Mari- Meixiu, don't you?" Astral blushed hard at my question.

"H-How did you k-know? B-But yeah..., I r-really like Mei, a-and I in-invited her to a h-hangout. I-I really w-want to t-tell her my f-feeling somehow. B-But I am scared. I-I am scared of her reaction. It i-is enough that i-it was a-awkward w-when I tried to k-kiss her..."


"Kagami, sweetie. Relax. Let me handle that." I calmed down my girlfriend before she would break Astral. "Look, Astral. Since I saw in the video call you two together, your melodies were playing like a harmony. I am sure that when you ask her out, she will be really happy to say yes."

"Yeah, b-but how to d-do so? How did you get together anyway?"

"Well, Luka played for me on his guitar and confessed his feelings that time. Maybe you use the passion that you share with Marinette to tell her your feelings of yours?"

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