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"Innie please!" Hyunjin begged. "its your fault! now my parents are gonna be mad!!" Jeongin yelled as tears filled his eyes.

Jeongin's parents were very strict when it came to school. they were also abusive, so Jeongin grew up being scared of them. he would flinch to the slightest things that they would do around him. so if they found out he got detention, he would probably be dead meat.

"I can take the blame for you then!"

"there's no use, okay!? its too late!!"

they then sat there in silence for about an hour, before they were able to finally leave. Hyunjin watched as Jeongin grabbed his backpack and didn't even look at him. he saw Jeongin crying as he left the classroom.

Hyunjin's heart was broken as he watched his boyfriend cry. what hurt even more was that he knew it was his own fault. he made his own boyfriend cry and it would probably haunt him forever.


⛔ abuse warning ⛔

Jeongin hesitated opening the front door. he was met with a slap to the face by his mother. "where have you been!?" she asked, with a disgusting attitude. "s-school..." Jeongin said, trying to hold in the rest of his tears. "fucking liar!! tell me the truth!!" his mother yelled. "I g-got deten-" he couldn't even finish the sentence because he got punched in the nose, making him bleed.

"you fucking disappointment!! go to your room, there's no dinner for you!" his mom scolded. Jeongin quickly made his way upstairs, straight to his room. he bursted into tears as he locked the door and threw his backpack on the ground. he didn't even care about his bloody nose.

he curled up on the floor and closed his eyes, hoping and wishing he would be somewhere else, wishing he could be safe and have a happy family, wishing he could be in Hyunjin's arms.

he heard the door unlock and felt someone kick him on the back of his head. it was his father. "I heard you got detention" he said in a evilish tone. "s-sorry..." he mumbled. his father kicked him on the head again. "worthless bitch" he said as he left the room, locking the door after.

Jeongin's breath was getting uneven as he weakly reached over to his backpack and grabbed his phone. he quickly dialed a number, putting it on speaker and waiting for them to answer. he was choking on sobs and couldn't breathe properly.


"H-Hyunjin!!...p-please..." Jeongin choked out, his sobs only getting louder.

"Innie...why are you crying!? whats wrong!?"

Hyunjin was now crying himself. he was trying to hangout with Felix and Chan to get his mind off of what happened earlier.

"they hurt you again didn't they?"

"wait what!? who hurt Innie!?"

there was a moment of silence



"shit...SHIT SHIT SHIT!!"

"Hyunjin calm down-"



Hyunjin ran as fast as he could. he didn't stop for not even a second. once he reached Jeongin's house, he banged on the door as hard as he could. he was met with Jeongin's parents. "who the fuck are you?" Jeongin's mom asked. 

"where's Jeongin?.."

"oh, your that little boyfriend of his aren't you? well sorry but we don't let fag-" Hyunjin then punched her in the face, knocking her out. "YOU FAGGOT!!" Jeongin's father yelled. Hyunjin then kicked him in the leg and punched him aswell, also knocking him out. Hyunjin smirked, then remembered his boyfriend.

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now