★ 32 ★

382 9 37

gay hoes

incoming call from bxngchxn

lino. joined the call

makane.innie joined the call

dwaekki.bin joined the call

to make it easier on who's talking

italic - jeongin
bold italic - lee know (with seungmin)
bold - changbin
normal - bangchan

"what now Chan-hyung?"

"well, I think we should all hangout!"

"right now?..."

"yes, why? is there a problem?"

"Hyunjin's sleeping.."

"oh...well we need to prepare anyway so he has time."

"what do you even want to do?"

"let's go to the beach!"

"I mean, why not?"

"sure I gue-" they heard Felix screeching in excitement. Chan started laughing, "is that Lixie!?"

"he heard the word beach and started levitating."

they heard Lee Know laugh, but they knew he wasnt laughing at Changbin

"Lee Know~ what you doing?"

"I'm with Seungmin, what else dip shit."

"damn, mean much..alright anyway let's go get ready!~"


Seungmin packed a small backpack with some beach supplies, like sunscreen, glasses, a portable charger, headphones, lip balm, bandages just in case and other stuff

Lee Know brung some towels, extra clothes, and some food, although he was probably only gonna share with Seungmin

i'm so lazy.

when they arrived at the beach, Seungmin quickly found a spot kind of near the sea, but under a tree. he set the towel up and then sat down, Lee Know placed the stuff down and sat behind the younger, quickly cuddling into his neck while back hugging him

Seungmin took out a chocolate bar the older had packed and broke a piece. he ate some and fed the older aswell

Lee Know took out Seungmin's hoodie he packed and used it as a blanket. he laid behind the younger, and eventually fell asleep

Seungmin, on the other hand, was watching some chaos go down with the others



Changbin was currently carrying Han over to the sea, he was planning on dropping, more like throwing, the boy into the water. Changbin found a good spot and without warning, he dropped Han and attempted to run away, but Han grabbed the older's leg, making him fall into the water too. the others were in tears from how much they have laughed

then, that's when they saw it....

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now