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before they went into the car, they went to Seungmin's house to get changed.

Seungmin's outfit -

Lee Know's outfit -

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Lee Know's outfit -

Lee Know's outfit -

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"holy shit...baby you look gorgeous.." the older said as he wrapped his arms around the other's waist, pulling him close.

the younger giggled and kissed Lee Know, the older kissing back

they eventually ended the kiss and smiled at each other. "k we gotta go get Jeongin now" the younger said as he grabbed the house keys and ran towards the front door. he opened it and turned to look at Lee Know, who was just admiring the younger from afar.

"yah!! quit staring at me and hurry up!" Seungmin scolded and then ran out of the house with a smile on his face. Lee Know smirked, "I really am the luckiest person to have you.."


Lee Know pulled into the airport parking lot. he got out of the car with Seungmin and they both went to get Jeongin.

they saw Jeongin with his sister. "Innie!!" Seungmin yelled. Jeongin turned around and saw Seungmin

as Seungmin got closer, he saw Jeongin's face and froze

Jeongin looked like a wreck. his eyes were a bright red and were really puffy. he also had a cut on his cheek, almost near his eye.

Seungmin quickly hugged him and felt the younger cry into his shoulder as he hugged back. "Innie...don't cry..."

"I w-want H-Hyunie back!!..."

"you need him back. and I know how to do that..." Lee Know said, rubbing Jeongin's back.


"Hyunjin!! just hear him out you fucking dumbass!!" Lee Know yelled. he was now getting frustrated.

"fine!!" Hyunjin yelled back

Lee Know quickly took out his phone and called Jeongin. they heard sniffles and then a small, sad voice.


Hyunjin felt even more heartbroken hearing him in this condition.

"In, where are you?"

"my house..."

"okay, well Innie...tell me what happened with you and Hyun one more time"

"w-well....I didn't cheat...it was actually my sister pretending to be a random female to try to be funny....she says she didn't mean it, plus she's lesbian."

Lee Know hummed. "how much do you miss and love Hyunjin?"

"hyung I miss him so much....I miss his hugs, his cuddles, his voice, his kisses, his fucking everything hyung!!..."

Hyunjin was now crying. "I miss you too Innie..." he mumbled

"I l-love him...there aren't enough words for me to express how much I do. I just want to feel his touch again....I just want to hug him and make him feel safe and just tell h-him how m-much I love h-him....."

they heard small sobs from the boy on the phone. Hyunjin was shaking, not knowing what to do, besides one thing.

he went towards the front door and opened it. he quickly ran out. Lee Know smirked and quickly followed.


Hyunjin was lucky he still had the spare key to Jeongin's house. he quickly opened it.

he saw Jeongin standing there, looking at a painting that Hyunjin made him, that was hanging on his wall. he turned his head and saw Hyunjin.

Hyunjin flung himself into the younger's arms and bursted into tears of pain. Jeongin didn't even question anything and quickly hugged back, also starting to cry.

"I-Im so so f-fucking s-sorry!!..." Hyunjin said, placing kisses all over the younger's face that was drenched with tears.

"I s-should've known!!....holy shit I'm such a dumbass..."

Jeongin then kissed the older, taking him by surprise. Hyunjin kissed back, now slightly calming down.

"I got all that on video" Lee Know said, who was standing at the doorway.

Jeongin ended the kiss with Hyunjin and slightly smiled.

Jeongin got what he wanted, Hyunjin.


gay hoes

lino. added bxngchxn to 'gay hoes'
lino. added dwaekki.bin to 'gay hoes'
lino. added makane.innie to 'gay hoes'
lino. added seung. to 'gay hoes'
lino. added crazy quokka to 'gay hoes'
lino. added happylix to 'gay hoes'
lino. added dramatichyun to 'gay hoes'

lino. what's up bitches

crazy quokka really? 'gay hoes' ???

lino. yes, you got a problem?

crazy quokka no I actually like it.

happylix it really suits us

dramatichyun I agree with Lixie

lino. good

dwaekki.bin so, what's the point of this chat?

lino. don't know, I was bored.

seung. hi guys!! ^^

lino. hi my precious baby

crazy quokka ewh.

lino. smd

crazy quokka no thank you. make Seungmin do it instead

seung. HANNNN 😭😭😭

lino. maybe I will 😏

seung. BABY

lino. sorry 😔😔

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