★ 36 ★

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it was 9:00am and school started for the boys again.....but Seungmin and Lee Know didnt know so they woke up late. how? well.

ring, ring, ring

Seungmin groaned and covered his face with the pillow. he let the phone ring for a bit more before he grabbed it and pressed answer


it was Chan, already scolding them.

"bro it's 9:00am in the fucking morning..." the younger replied in a raspy, low voice

"yeah? well your late for school, stupid!"

Seungmin immediately hung up the phone and went to get ready as fast as he could, and yes of course he woke up Lee Know aswell


"baby, calm down, your getting yourself anxious!"

"but were late?!!" Seungmin grabbed his backpack and was about to leave the house, but Lee Know stopped him and put a piece of a granola bar into his mouth

"atleast eat."

"mm...okay come on!!" Seungmin grabbed the older's hand and dragged him out the house


the class had already started. as the teacher was teaching something about math or whatever, Seungmin and Lee Know barged into the room, feeling awkward stares on them

"late!! 3 hour detention for you two after school."

Seungmin froze and felt anxiety take over again. Lee Know noticed and held his hand, caressing it to calm him down

"go take a seat, you disgraces."

Lee Know gave the teacher a disgusting look before he gently brung Seungmin to the back of the classroom and sat down at an empty desk. Seungmin sat a little further away from him, since there wasn't any other avaliable seat near his boyfriend

when class ended, the teacher dismissed them, but made Seungmin stay behind. Lee Know hesitated leaving him, but he had no choice but too. or did he actually leave?...


⛔ sexual harassment?? (not rlly sure what to actually call it tho) ⛔

"you asked for me to stay?.."

"yes. um..how about we..."

the teacher walked closer to Seungmin and placed his hands onto his waist, making the younger feel uncomfortable

"uh...w-what are you d-doing?..."

"shh baby, just let me please you~"

he started leaving kisses on Seungmin's body. the younger couldn't do anything but try to get away. he failed miserably and felt himself getting more anxious and scared

he didn't even realize he was crying and shaking. the older man started lifting up Seungmin's shirt, but the younger quickly shooed his hand away, which made the older mad

"whats wrong, baby? you don't want to feel pleasure?...mmmm, guess it's the hard way then.."

he then kissed the younger aggressivly, making him sob even more. he was praying someone would bust into the room and help him. that someone being Lee Know...

im gonna refer the teacher as 'xxx' bc i have no name for him. he doesnt deserve one anyway.

Seungmin couldn't even process everything that was happening anymore. then, he heard banging on the door. he tried to look over, but xxx slammed him against the desk and started undressing him

the younger started screaming for help, not knowing what else to do. the banging on the door only got louder.

Seungmin was crying so hard he started feeling light headed. he eventually passed out, which gave xxx permission to do whatever he wanted...

⛔ end of that ⛔


the police arrived at the school since it was put into a lock down. why? because Lee Know being Lee Know, called the cops and reported xxx to the principal and for some reason they didn't have the key for the room Seungmin was in so yeah :)))

Lee Know was currently with the others. he couldn't stop panicking. Hyunjin and Chan were trying to calm him down as much as possible

Felix was watching everything that was happening with wide eyes. he couldn't believe Seungmin's condition, he felt terrible. he felt like crying for the boy

the cops eventually brung Seungmin out the room once he was awake. he was wrapped in a blanket and was all sweaty. he had brusies all over and his eyes were puffy and a bright red

Lee Know quickly ran over to the boy and hugged him tightly, but carefully and gently

the older was crying, blaming himself for not being there sooner, for leaving him alone with that creep

Seungmin felt weak and couldn't even hug back or do anything


"I k-know...fuck baby I'm so s-sorry!!...."

the principal went over to the two

"you guys are allowed to go home...I hope Seungmin gets better. but until then, I suggest he stays home."

Lee Know sniffled and wiped his tears

"okay..thank you...."


"do you want anything, my love?"

"mmm...I want brownies.."

Lee Know giggled and carried Seungmin to the kitchen. he gently placed the younger onto the counter and was able to convince Felix to make brownies

"thank you lixie!!" Seungmin said, munching on one of the brownies after

"your welcome, Seungie"


Seungmin was laying in bed, coloring in a coloring book Jeongin had gotten him. Lee Know walked in and laid next to the younger. he watched as Seungmin concentrated on every detail when coloring and was careful to not color outside of the lines. eventually, he finished and held it up, showing it to Lee Know with a bright smile

"look, minmin!! I finished!!"

"you did amazing, darling. I'm so proud"

Seungmin put the coloring book to the side of the bed and sat on Lee Know's lap. he cuddled into his neck and sighed

"my body still feels kind of weak.."

"I'm sorry baby...it's my-"

Seungmin cut him off with a kiss

"it wasn't your fault."


"now shut up."

Seungmin laid against his chest. Lee Know grabbed the tv remote and turned on the tv. they both watched tv and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now